
Are you considering buying a motorcycle to get better gas milege?

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Are you considering buying a motorcycle to get better gas milege?




  1. I ride a motocycle purely for the pleasure of it.  The fact that it also saves gas, is just a bonus.

  2. nope, bought a motorcycle cause i wanted a motorcycle

  3. Nope.  I used to ride when I lived on an Air Force base, but now there's no way I'd get a motorcycle.  Too many idiots on the road, and I've seen several accidents where a rider was seriously injured or killed when he/she got hit by a car, and the drivers all said the same thing:  "I didn't see him/her!"  Gee, maybe that was because you weren't looking...

  4. I bought mine before gas prices started going really high, but I do ride it to work more now. I also see a lot of first time riders in the shops these days and I'm sure that is the motivation for many of them. It is also a good excuse for guys that always wanted a bike to justify buying one to their wife. Like SID pointed out, if you plan to do this consider how long it will take to realize an ROI.

  5. yes spend several thousands of dollars to save gas !

    like idiot 1 , mag s buy a bike cause you enjoy riding !

  6. Nope.  I started riding when fuel was much cheaper.  I ride for the pleasure of riding.  The fuel savings is just a bonus.

  7. No, A true biker rides for the love of riding.

  8. Like everyone else, dual purpose. I am living MY life now. I raised three kids and have four grandkids and looking forward to a couple more. I drive to work on it every day it isn't raining and ride in the afternoons for enjoyment. I will say that even with the extra riding, my monthly gas card bill is cut well over half.

  9. No. I ride because I enjoy it.

    It doesn't get that much better mileage to make it worth it to get just to save $ on gas.

    When you factor in other expenses, although minimal, having a m/c requires, the gas savings disappears.

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