
Are you considering moving closer to work because of gas prices?

by  |  earlier

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A lot of people don't consider how much where they live is REALLY costing them in terms of money spent on transportation to and from work.

With the current run-up in gas prices, a lot of people will either have to start looking for work closer to where they live or start looking for someplace to live closer to where they work.

I was just curious if that is something that a lot of people are considering, as these kinds of decisions when made by large numbers of people have HUGE overall consequences for the economy.




  1. nope thats just how it has to be if you want a car you have to pay gas prices no way around it

  2. 15 minutes ... by bicycle. Location was a major factor in our decision to buy close to work, and that was when a gallon cost 1.80

  3. 5 minutes to my job......

    20 minutes to where volunteer for horses

    10 minutes to church..... no place in metro area more than 25 minutes from my house....

  4. No.

  5. In the area where i live moving closer to the area with the most jobs means moving into the area with incredibly high taxes so in the end unless gas is 8 per gallon it isn't worth it.

  6. No. I work in technology. The lifespan of a job is about 3 years. I bought a home that is within an hour's commute of 3 major metro areas so I can capitalize on job ops in more places.

    I'm more likely to buy a more efficient car when it's time to replace my current one.

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