
Are you currious about the commercial wind turbines?

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Would you like to know more about what goes on inside them, and what they look like?

Would you like to dispell one of the myths that they leak oil everywhere?

Watch this video:

Pretty cool...this is what my husband does on a daily basis for work. What a shame that people keep voting down these highly recyclable wind turbines that produce such green energy. Next time a vote for wind turbines is in your neck of the woods, why don't you vote yes!

What do you think of the video?




  1. Keep up the good work  they make them for sailboats also  thay are the size of a 30" fan GE is a good leader in this area I have seen them in Sarasota, Flordia on boates.  I would have one in my yard if it was'nt so big. Dr Green.

  2. i thought that the video of the wind turbines was you put it pretty cool :) the shape of things to come.

  3. I used to work on them to

    Now i build my own.

    It is the same treehuggers that say we need more wind power and solar power that turn around and vote down the wind power.

    Most of us that are anti global warming are for wind power.

    The global warming people claim they want wind power except when it is in there back yard.

    I put a 4 foot diameter 100 watt wind turbine on my garage to test it, there is no laws where i live banning it

    A lady that lives down the street went to the county an filed a complaint about it the planing commission notifed me that they were having a hearing about it .

    A few days before the hearing i found out who filed the complaint. and pulled the letters to the editor of the local news paper that she had written about global warming and how the US needed to stop burning oil and go to solar and wind power.

    Needless to say she lost and the county planing board members had a good  laugh

    I dropped copies of her letters and her complaint off a the news paper they though it funny too.

    Global warming people want wind and solar power BUT not in there back yard. they want the poor or the anti global warming people stuck with it in there backyard.

    This is why i do not believe in global warming.

    But i am a big believer in wind and solar for everybody and everybody's backyard.

  4.'re the person I need to talk to!

    I live in an are that is "1" on the department of energy's map for suitability for using wind power, but my Amish neighbors all have windmills they use for various things.

    Granted...they aren't trying to generate electricity to run their computers... ;O) but I'm wondering how feasible it is to use wind as a supplemental source?

    Are there places where persons with the skill to build their own system can buy what they need at a comparative savings to a commercial unit?  

    So I've answered your question with questions...but I'm really interested in using wind as a supplemental energy source.

  5. I watched most of it at work and all of it at home, and bookmarked it too.  It answered many questions I had about wind turbines, like the variable pitch blade thing and yes you can climb up inside them!

    Can you tell me why they always erect them side by side?  Is the wind speed down wind of them really attenuated that much? And is their output 60 Hz AC?

    Thanks for the question.

  6. Not for $1Million would you get me up there to do that job!!!  

    Looks like an interesting job though!

    thanks for the video, very cool!

  7. Cool.  Thanks Garnet

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