
Are you depressed to learn anti-depressants don't work? I find it depressing. I'll have to see my doctor.

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Are you depressed to learn anti-depressants don't work? I find it depressing. I'll have to see my doctor.




  1. i wondered what the h**l was wrong ,i will join you at quacks .!!!!!!!!!!!!!  lol

  2. Ha ha! Wondered why they didn't make any difference - now i know..!!

  3. You don't need those things they make you look like a Zombie.

  4. We should totally review the way mental illness is viewed and treated

  5. Yes have a laugh! if you're genuinely depressed and are let down continuously by the system that is hilarious eh?

  6. money money money

    must be funny

    in a pharmaceutical world

  7. Better using the St Johns wort.

  8. I totally agree with Nev The Bear Esq's comments.

  9. im still in denial about it they have to work i need them to work

    plus i fukn pay for thm!!!

  10. Never took them myself. But I hope that the drug companies that perpetuated this worldwide scam are forced to answer

    to the public why they did this, and I would expect them to pay suitable compensation to all those they conned.

  11. How come, if these medications are mere placebos, are there reports of serious adverse results.. placebos hardly do "harm"

    There is however some talk about a new wonder prospect in sight.  "Glutamate" is the coming buzz.

  12. i take it you have never been unfortunate enough and been prescribed these horrid drugs have you...? heres a challenge for you - go to your doc and ask him for some effexor - take them for one week then stop cold turkey - lets see whos laughing then hey

  13. i find it totally disgusting,hey have been conning the public too long,depression is a serious illness if not treated properly,and who are they to mess with people like that what next will they tell us chemo therapy doesn't work either ,and other cancer treatments its the same as the pills that help you quit smoking,they too are anti depressant pills so there we have it another con god help us all.

  14. funni!!


  15. i have been on a number of anti-depressants for years, you name it and i will have been prescribed it, my brain doesn't produce enough serotonin, some anti-depressants have worked for a while and then seemed to have stopped, so there could be some truth in the fact that they don't work for long periods of time,, but with the amount of people suffering depression you would think they could discover a medication that does work on a permanent level

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