
Are you despairing, now that Obama has choosen Biden as his runningmate?

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and a mc cain victory is in the making?




  1. Ohbammy just lost my vote. Biden is a lousy politician.

  2. Another nail in the coffin.

  3. no I'm glad he chose him hes a utility man hes got more experience and will be a good adviser in allot of matters and that's probably why he was chosen. i feel that hillary would of brought him more votes but it would of been the blind leading the blind at lest if he wins someone can help him with making the right decisions

  4. BWAHAHA!!!

    I have been telling the Obamamaniacs all along that Barack "smooth Eddy" Obama is nothing but an empty suit.  He had to pick someone who actually had some Washington experience, and was white.  Sheesh...what a SELLOUT!!!

  5. no ...obama 08

  6. Nope the back seat driver so to say don't effect me all that much


    Think of it how many times has the now V President been on the TV news reporter's list of things to talk about


  7. Obama is going nowhere and even choosing an impotent white V.P. means nothing to those who are not going to vote for him.

  8. Nope! Not at all ... it's par for the course.

  9. Sure is a worry for the Mc-born-again-crowd... isn't it.?  Obama is GOING TO WIN and he is going to GET RID OF THE BORN AGAINS in the administration... so there will be a lot of Ex-Bushies looking for jobs preaching in churches again.

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