
Are you diabetic? What foods or combination foods raise your blood sugar levels???

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I need to know this because iv been tested for diabetes and they say i don't have it but i know there are some people who have the undiagnosable form..... All of my life whenever i eat milk products it knocks out my memory and i think its because of blood brain sugar levels which influences thought.......




  1. I am a diabetic and basically any carbohydrates (bread, sugar, potatoes, etc.) cause my glucose level to rise.  

  2. It's not that people have an 'undiagnosable form' of diabetes, it's that they haven't been diagnosed (because they haven't been tested).

    As far as milk products causing memory problems, might it be an allergic reaction? If it were due to blood sugar highs from the milk, you'd've been diagnosed as diabetic.

  3. I have been insulin dependent diabetic for almost 25 years.  The worst foods (for me)  are breads like hamburger buns, pizza crust, crackers, rolls.  Pasta also makes my blood sugars go through the roof.  Generally the higher the carb count the worst they are for me.  I eat a very low carb diet and for the sake of my health have to make many sacrifices.  Fruits like melons do the same thing.  I can eat a little as long as I monitor my blood and take the appropriate amount of insulin.  

    Good things to eat that will help your blood sugars are by adding cinnamon to oatmeal or yogurt.  Cinnamon helps the body metabolize the insulin better.  Raw or cooked tomatoes are high in chromium which also helps the body utilize insulin better.  There are other foods that do this as well.

    Don't be fooled by foods or products claiming to be sugar free.  They may be but they still have carbohydrates and can sneak and make blood sugars go up.

    The South Beach diet is the one my doctor recommends as it seems to keep carbs low without causing loss of energy.

    Now, if you are having issues with milk products then you are probably lactose intolerant or have other issues from the milk.  Yes, milk can cause blood sugars to rise but it would show up in a blood test.   Blood sugar monitoring is very reliable and if your blood has been tested and your blood sugars are normal then you don't have diabetes.  Diabetes cause your blood sugars to rise and stay high.  

  4. I think people with diabetes can eat all foods but with the right portion, avoid to eat much portion foods rich sugar, fat and carbohidrat, increase food rich fiber like vegetable and fruit

  5. Starches especially rice. no more than 1/3 cup white flour bread products

    no fruit juice it raises your' sugar too rapidly.Fresh fruit is time released.

    try wheat bread,watch the amounts of fresh fruit bran cereal cinimon.Excuse the spelling.Hope this can help.

  6. Obviously sugar is bad, especially unrefined sugars.  Juice is a big no-no, unless you need to quickly raise your sugar levels.  Also stay away from white bread.  Fruit is also full of sugar.  

  7. i was told i have diabetes last november and almost a year i am still trying to figure out what i can and can not eat , i know for sure pizza, a big no no for me, also french bread, pasta but i can have about a 1\2 cup and i am fine, i went to classes things that i can not eat others can so you have to figure this out on your own

    good  luck

  8. Anything with sugar will raise your blood sugar level

  9. well the only thing i can say is that my dad is a diabetic and has been almost all my life (im 16) and he always says that everything has sugar and you can only eat a certain amount of whatever u eat including drinks...

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