
Are you disappointed Edge lost?

by Guest67030  |  earlier

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I was really hoping since Edge returned to his old ways that he would beat Taker




  1. No way! EDGE stinks

  2. Im very dissappointed that he lost I felt like with the recent change in Edge he should've won and more importantly needed the win

  3. No actually I'm pretty happy. He is just a psyco.

  4. No way! The Undertaker rules!!!

  5. no......

  6. no edge sucks he is a wimp

  7. I'm very disappointed.  Undertaker has a habit of burying opponents when they're just making themselves a name.  Undertaker used to push people, but lately it's been the whole "NOT AT MY EXPENSE" attitude, just like Hogan.  Undertaker killed Orton's run, Batista's run, and now Edge's run.  It's getting frustrating.  I wanted to see Triple H v Edge...  not Triple H v. Undertaker.

    As much of a legend he is, Undertaker doesn't deserve all the push he's been getting.  He takes off for months at a time, only to return and bury someone, then vanish again.  Nostalgia must stop.  Please.

  8. Disappointed...? Uhhh... No.

    Edge sucks.


    I ♥ Mr. Kennedy

  9. no  

  10. No i was not disappointed that Edge lost last night, because many  wrestling fans expected,  Edge was going to lose, since it's was all about the return of  Undertaker, so  knowing WWE they had to make his return a success rather then making it less successful by coming back with a lost.

  11. I was totally disappointed because Edge carried Summer slam single handily last night because out him and MVP that showw sucked  

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