
Are you disappointed in Obama, that he wont go over to Georgia and stop them from fighting?

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I mean, like , for real. He said that he would bring peace to the world? Like, I am sooooo confused now. Do you think shopping would help me forget?




  1. He is being careful about what he does right now. He is in the lead with most polls. Oh and you don't expect him to leave his vacation in Hawaii. He is getting some wisdom from his Grand Mother.

  2. he wants to clean up america first.

  3. Puma Man, time to up the meds...

  4. are u disappointed that u are retarted, obama isint the president yet he dosent have power yet why dont u ask that question exept involving mckain.

    our president sucks.

  5. He ain't the President yet!!

  6. Up past your bed time?

  7. He is human not superman

  8. peace he said. if he goes over there and  fights "thats not peace"

    Lane S -acutally congress decides if we go to war or not.

  9. Go shopping. Preferably for some fun toys, that would take your mind off of the impossible and onto the possible.

    Like enjoying a summer afternoon with a humongous sliding bubble blower, or a remote styrofoam air plane. Anything to occupy your time with laughter and fun. Something you can do with people you like to be with.

    Go shopping.  

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