
Are you disconcerted with the disrespect given to the UK Royalty,especially the Queen,by media and people?

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alike.Is this not a sign of how far our decadent and disrespectful society has plummeted.




  1. The government go on about identity fraud/id cards etc

    Where is Englands' identity gone- disrespecting our royalty, some schools no longer allowed to put on a nativity at christmas time the list goes on!

    I do hope what gordon brown says he truly believes- come on people I want our Britain back!

  2. No!!!

    Maybe it is this family who asks for it.

  3. Yes, to both questions.  How sad.

  4. Oh you must be joking...They hold no relavance in my life and i don't give them a second thought.Or a first one for that matter.Thier closets are bulging with skeletons.

  5. No, its a sign that people have minds of their own and no longer see the need to give respect to people who have done nothing to earn it.  I have no respect for the monarchy simply because they have done nothing worthwhile in my life time.  I'm over 40 so they've had long enough to prove their worth and failed miserably

  6. Not at all.  They've done nothing to deserve respect.

  7. Ever since Diana's days, I have absolutely no respect for the "Royal" family anymore.  They ought to be run out of the country.

  8. The year is 2007. Royalty and their good for nothing, leeching kind should have gone the way of the dodo many centuries ago. What's laughable is that as a people, we consider ourselves civilised!

  9. Think of the alternative. Who wants Presidents Blair and Brown?

  10. ha! you make me laugh just because a few hundred years ago someone in there family was rich and powerful, then made themselves king/queen. doesn't mean we all have to bow down to them.

    i mean i'm sure they have done some bad thing's in the past, just look at what answerer number 1 put, i agree with that.

    plus the only thing they have going for them is that prince Harry is peng.

  11. I believe Queen Elizabeth has done much much good in England.  However, I did lose respect when she denied Diana, Princess of Wales, her HRH in the divorce.  Everyone that Diana visited during her post divorce time, greeted her as an HRH anyway.  The Queen was punishing her, for having the popularity, she no longer had... she's bitter.  Then when we moved to HRH Diana's death, her 'speech' was made with grinding teeth and a fake smile.  So yes, I absolutely lost a ton of respect for Charles due to the Camilla thing the whole time Diana and HRH Charles, were married. And I think Charles should be 'punished' for divorce, by not ever taking the thone.  It needs to be passed to HRH William if the monarchy would ever survive in England.  That's my 2 cents, sorry for those who don't like it.

  12. Yes. I especially hate all this stuff about Princess Diana keep being dragged up. How must Princes William and Harry feel about keep being reminded about the events surrounded her death 10 years after the event?

  13. Respect is something that should be earned, not given as a right. When royalty do something to earn my respect, I may choose to give it. As it is, they're nothing but a bunch of adulters (princes charles and andrew) boozers (harry and william), drug takers (harry), racists (phillip), grumpy (queen liz), money-grabbing (queen liz, charles, andrew) leeches (the whole d**n lot), most of whom take great pleasure in killing animals for fun. What have they ever done to deserve any respect?

  14. although I dont agree with all the royal family,I have a lot of respect for the queen,and feel the media are an insult to her,just like the princess Dian,article,when are they going to drop it,the press really stink sometimes

  15. Oh dear. What a shame you all are.

    The Royal Family is what makes us British for god sakes.

    We are one of the only countries in the world left with a monachy and a move away would be bad.They are great ambassadors for our country.Just because the media only chooses to portray them in a certain manner all the idiotic fools in this country believe it. The Queen has done great things for this country in the time she has been on the throne.Guided the country though thick and thin.

    I do not care what people say about Princess Diana.Leave the poor woman to rest.Why do people not remember she has two young sons who have to endure the constant attention on their deceased mother.

    Show some d**n respect for our heritage or prepare to be Americanized.

    President Brown or President Cameron sound good to you guys?

  16. What kind of respect can you afford a family with 3 centuries history of usurpingly sitting on a throne which they should not even have thought to defile, doing nothing worthwhile, and ostentatiously  wasting incredible amounts of money ? ... and that's when they were not causing scandals, engaging in reprehensible behavior, or succumbing to various shameful dieseases and insanities...

  17. Respect is earned, the Royal family is a sham what with divorces and affairs they are a discgrace to our nation. Role models lead by example can you honestly say they do !!!

    If you dont want honest answers dont ask the question !!!

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