
Are you disgusted by people who don't take good care of their cars?

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hooyutoo2@ This has nothing to do with kids. It doesn't take much to keep your car clean.




  1. No. As long as it isn't horrendous, what they do with THEIR cars isn't really any of your concern :)

  2. no it's their car.  Why would I be disgusted?

  3. No! Live and let live....I believe in free will! If you mean clean it, no I get on with living. A car is a vehicle not an entity or a reflection of myself. I keep my house clean but my car is a convienience!

  4. Do you want to come and clean my car for me?  I try to keep it clean, but I live in a city and park my car in the apartment complex's garage.  Out of sight, out of mind.  Wouldn't matter if I clean my car anyway.  In a few days, the grime and dust floating around in the air settles on my car and makes it dirty again.  :(

  5. If I have to ride in it and it's really dirty with stinking fast food wrappers everywhere, yes. There's no excuse for not picking up rubbish and putting it in the bin, it's a 2 minute (or less) job.

  6. Gee, I'm not that nosy!

  7. No, I'm disgusted by people that give less care and concern about their children than they care about material things.

  8. um no.

  9. Outside, no, I couldn't care less what it looks like.

    But if I have to ride in it they could at least get the heaps of trash out for decency's sake.

  10. only if it a reli nice car dat Iwould kill 2 have

  11. I only care if its so disgusting that its just inexcusable... other than that case, no.

  12. No, and if this is something that really bothers you so much, I think you need a hobby.

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