
Are you disgusted with the Big Brother, surveillance society?

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Are you fed up with bigger and more powerful government intruding into our lives, or are you a statist, happy with with the two parties? I am referring to government at all levels. Is there anything we can do about it? Don't say vote, because that is futile.




  1. Yes.

  2. Things are changing in life and what I think is that we have to be careful if we want to keep being the Nation that we all love. We have too many enemies and the only reason we have them because of jealousy of our way of life.

  3. I am definitely not happy with the two parties.  I would love to see a third party candidate for president that had a serious shot to win.  I would love to see a dynamic third party rise, one that took a serious stand for americans.  We need a party that is all about reform and empowering people.   We don't have it in 2008, maybe a miracle in 2012.  I live in Minnesota and experienced Jesse Ventura's reign as Governor.  Personally I give him good marks.  He made the jerks in the state legislature spend responsibly concerning our tax dollars, and he returned surpluses to the citizens of Minnesota.  He also lowered the cost of license plate tabs.  He did not put up with the two party bickering, and he got results.  America needs a boost like that.

  4. yes it sucks and those that endorse it as well and Ben Franklin is rolling in his grave cause he said ` those who would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither` and I'm pretty sure they have yet to nab a terrorist using this technology, they obviously have yet to stop millions of illegals using it,

  5. The U.S. Congress approved the President's request for unlimited power. Nothing would happen except fortheir approvals. Put them out and punish the prime arrogant crooks. Set a d**n example once and for all. A special committee should begin to round them up. Action, they cannot be allowed to continue this collosal crme another day. Lock the suckers out and begin the trials on the front steps for all to see. Show the world America is free and the land of justice! Hang'em high.

  6. Dont let the media get you all paranoid. The government could care less about 99.9% of what we do and has no concern in average citizens. Act like a complete jaskazz and start posting your "free speach" about how you want this official offed ect and you'll actually know what "big brother" truely is.

  7. I must admit I'm an unhappy with the two parties statist... As far as intrusion is concerned, I've fought with the machine by boycotting different products and services to realize we are pushed more and more into the norm. I've come to assume my choices and know I'm not controlled by what info they can gather from me. I'm still working on attaining knowledge to be independent from the system. I hate to say our only option is revolution, in fear that it'll unfortunately lead to the same result, if not worse for all of us.

    I comfort myself in thinking that throughout our recorded history, we have never lived in an era of such comfort and abundance. The "little people" have always been subjects to monarchies, dictators and now corporations. Every golden age had it's end, is ours near? What tools and knowledge would will need to gather in order to survive the next dark age? That's what I'm working on, if not for me, for our kids.

  8. What do you lose except for a little privacy? I don't like it but not to the point where I have to oppose it. The mentality behind this is "Do you have something to hide?" Sometimes, what this society needs is less people who feel the need to rebel. I'm saying this in a humorous sense. Wake up America. You are NOT living in a democratic society but rather an elitist one. We are all sheep and the sooner you can live with that, the sooner you will learn to appreciate what little you have. One lousy bullet worth less than a dollar can take away what you've worked for all your life and you're worried about the government spying on you? Haha.

  9. I have no problem with it. I have nothing to hide. I'm not a criminal, nor a terrorist so I have no problem with a little interrogation unless I have proven to not be worthy of such.

  10. Well, I can't really answer this, because I live in the U.S.  I understand that surveillance is much more pervasive over in the U.K.

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