
Are you disturbed by promiscuity and loose morals in Western society?

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Licentiousness is today the norm and not just a closet secret.




  1. Terrific question!  

    In my view, that's the kind of question we (as a society) should be asking the leaders of all our major institutions ... business, education, government, religion, social services, etc.  It certainly should be asked of every public official -including McCain and Obama.

    You have already received some insightful replies -as well as responses that, in my view, miss the point (chastising you for inferring that your interest/question is somehow prying into their "business").

    I believe that American society in particular -over the past forty-plus years- has witnessed a pervasive decline in morality, ethics, accountability, and responsibility.  Promiscuity and licentiousness are but two by-products of such social deprivation.  

    Because there is a vacuum across all levels of leadership, the notion of the "buck stops here" somehow is considered anachronistic and, as such, it's an "anything goes" mentality within the entire pecking order (as but one recent example -John Edwards).

    When a society fails to understand and honor the responsibility that comes with freedom then, in my view, some of the most primal urges of humanity are given carte blanche and, inevitably, morality is no longer a social value but is instead subjugated to individual allegiance (as but one too frequent example, teenage pregnancy).

    As David Hume quipped about the ancient Greeks, " These people were extremely fond of liberty, but seem not to have understood it very well."  Indeed, the same can be said for Americans who believe that they have the right to be ... (fill in the blank) even if it harms or kills another.  I'm thinking that's what prompted Shakespeare to write in King Henry VI, "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers."

    And, as if this perniciousness weren't recognized and commented upon in other countries and in other eras, consider John Stuat Mill's (1850s) observations and freedom and society,"As soon as any part of a person's conduct affects prejudically the interests of others, society has jurisdiction over it, and the question of whether the general welfare will or will not be promoted by interfering with it becomes open to discussion ...."

    Let's hope this nation is able to be open to that discussion.

  2. Yes. I find it saddening, not only from a moral standpoint, but from a sociological one as well. We live in a culture now where STDs seem to be fairly common as does teen pregnancy and abortion. What is this society coming to?

  3. is how many sexual partners i have had any of your business?? I would never Judge a person solely based on their number of sexual partners.

  4. Yes I am.  I think many have taken the meaning of "empowered" and run away with it.  Spreading your legs for whoever buys you a drink is not empowering, it is prostitution.  

  5. Yes, very disturbed but I also know that it's only going to get worse.  Promiscuity is seen as humorous on television, and even in real life is becoming the norm for young people.  Then you have parents who are so busy that they don't raise them to shun that way of thinking, and when kids are only getting what's on t.v. and in the media it's like they have no hope.  And it doesn't help that the way young girls dress is getting more disgusting.  You have girls as young as 7 or 8 running around in things that used to be too s**y for 18 yr olds to wear!  I think it has alot to do with the way kids are raised in our society, and the decline of morals is the basis for way more problems than we realize.  But as a parent of two kids, I have to try even harder to make sure I raise them to be proper and respectful, not just to the opposite s*x, but to themselves.

  6. It doesn't disturb me at all ... What others do in their beds is their business not mine ... I just stick with what's right for me.

      There are plenty of things to worry about like violence and crime in our society .... political dishonesty , corruption in business and politics ... etc. etc. etc.

  7. I am not disturbed by it, i just wonder about it. I feel it dismisses the other very salient aspects of being a human being. Life has always meant to be about much more then an o****m. I think s*x is emotional as well as physical so i do abhor it somewhat

  8. Unfortunatly some of these males tend to think all women are like that.Then we get stereo typed.Wake up guys.We're not all like that.

  9. I'm more disturbed by the criticism of others mores and sexual appetites. Man has never been truly monogamous, even after the Victorian mores became popular. The rich and successful always had lovers, paramours, concubines, or somebody on the side.  Why the sudden urge to villify the normal healthy  population. Don't we have enough to feel guilty about all ready?

  10. What is a true shame is that men and women have such a low value of themselves and others that they just don't care anymore.

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