
Are you doing your part to help our environment?

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Ok, you're recycling and saving electricity by maybe changing bulbs or simply turning lights off but have you considered the ramifications of using store bought cleaners, vitamins, etc on our health and our environment - the chemicals and synthetics in these products cause greater harm to our families and our environment than most consumers are aware of. There are safer alternatives to going green and they don't have to cost a fortune - I've found lots and my family and my environment are being cared for properly.




  1. yes. I am doing my part.. there are things you havent even considered..

    #1 thing ANY of us can do... is have 0 - 1 kids.. the main threat to our environment is our growing numbers.. currently over 6.5 Billion... we are living longer than ever before so the problem is multiplying very fast ( I had my tubes tied after 1 kid)

    #2 thing - simple - plant a garden... this saves the environment and saves you money too... and home grown vege are healthier... it saves the environment because now stuff doesnt need to be shipped to the store - if every one grew something, apples, lettuce, tomate, potatoe.. whatever it would help out a bit.. plus you shoudnt use chemcials so in the long run less chemicals would be used when more people start growing their own food.. even apartment dwellers could have a tomatoe plant on their balcony..

    #3  shop at second hand stores - buying new means our planet is raped to make stuff.. and dont buy junk you dont need.. knick knacks etc are pointless....

    # shop at farmers markets more.. or when in stores buy locally made things or at least things made in your own country -this saves the environment by reducing shipping...

  2. i changed bulbs and i dont liter in the street no more and umm i am going to buy a hybird car lol those that count ? ?

  3. When we noticed the problem here on our island the companies have with the wooden pallets that come from the mainland with goods and then many of them go to the dumpster because the companies can't do the effort to send them back to the mainland, so when we got to know about it then we collected those pallets and send them to the mainland. Trees are cut, pallets are made out of them, then they are used maybe only once and then they go to the dumpster. What a wasting of resources! We did this for some time and we felt good with it. Money was not our motive at all, but we had to pay the transport and that is not cheap. So we found a reseller of pallets who paid something, not much, but enough to pay the transport and the diesel for our van. But selling stuff we needed to be legal, so we made a company. But this was too expensive and then there was nothing left, so we gave up after some time. Then we wanted to make a foundation and we waited about a year, but the layer was very occupied and at the end it tuned out that the foundation also would be too expensive. We are still looking for a solution... We are still recycling pallets, but probably we have to give up. Connected with the pallets is that we are recycling all kind of food from the same companies from where we pick up the pallets. We put the food on our compost what we can't use for our animals (and for us), then we bring the plastic or glass container to the recycling place. All this we do without money, just that it can be reused. But now the police came and told us that we can't do this, because the biscuits contain animal fat and this can't be fed to chicken. They told us that juice is a toxic liquid and can't be put on the compost. (I ask myself: If this is toxic, why they are allowed to sell it to people?)

    We calculated that we have saved about 10.000 trees by recycling the pallets. We felt good about it, but now we might be forced to give up all our good intentions.

    Who is making the laws? I am asking myself. Who is really interested in saving the environment and who is interested in recycling?

    Yes, they put rubbish bins for paper, plastic, glass and other waste, but are people using it properly? No, they don't, after several years they still throw all mixed into the waste bin.

    It seems to be hopeless...


  4. Sorry to say, I'm not. I put my garbage on the side of the road. I did change my light bulbs though, but that was to reduce my electric bill. I try not to drive too much though, but that's just because of the rising cost of gas. I buy cleaners from Wal-Mart, it's a cheap way to clean.

    I do think it's a good thing to recycle, etc, I should be doing more but I don't. I also don't believe global warming is a result of humans, it's a natural occurrence. The earth has been warming at pretty much the same rate it has been for centuries.

  5. Aside from recycling and changing all of our bulbs, we also got rid of our car 6 months ago, no longer use any plastic bags, and instead of buying pre-packaged snacks like granola bars, I make them from scratch.  Let's see... we use a few biodegradeable cleaners, but not all.  I let my laundry air dry when I can.  Unless it's torn to shreds, I also wash and re-use seran wrap and aluminum foil.

  6. Everyone go to this link:

    I am doing my part by Wasting Electrcity, driving down the road when it is easily walkable (500 yards), leaving lights etc on. I just hope you are too.

    Thank you

  7. i am a veg it helps environment a lot

  8. My husband and I use cloth shopping bags, we use mostly homemade cleaners, vinegar and baking soda go a long way.  When we use the dryer it is with dryer balls instead of dryer sheets and we have a wonderball that we use in the washer instead of Laundry Detergent, unless it's really dirty in which case we use Coconut oil based detergent. is a great place to find earth friendly products.

  9. I do my best. I switched to the Renewable energy of my electric company, I recycle, and conserve water. Also, all of my bulbs in my house are the green rated bulbs - energy saving. I do my best with the little money I have.

  10. In my opinion, its very easy to help our environment--just go with the nature. Whenever we go against the nature, we face problems and we call it new approach while if we go with the nature, everything becomes very easy. Alternative therapies is a burning example of going with the nature.

  11. i am doing my part for helping the enviorment i seperate plastic from trash and i do not throw cans with the trash

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