
Are you double jointed?

by Guest58822  |  earlier

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Are you double jointed?




  1. I'm not sure. I may be... I can touch my wrist with my thumb on the same hand. does that count? and i can cross all my fringers at once with out them touching each other... does  that count either?? hehe

  2. Yes.  I can pop both of my knees in and out.  Its weird.  I can also touch my thumbs to my hand.  I can also twist my arm around.  It's really crazy! LOL

  3. Yes, but Why is this in the ice skating section?

  4. All my fingers!  But it doesn't affect my skating - wink!

  5. yeahh i can do this thing where i can pop my hip out of my .. hip .. i dont kno its confusing :D

  6. nobody is double jointed. ther's no such thing

  7. Yeah Its Awesome Are You?


  8. yesssssssssss myy elboww

  9. Yeah in my toes lol..

    I can walk along on bent toes and jump!

    When I do it people tend to feel sick lol :P

  10. From the elbow down to my hand i am lol ^_^

  11. yes, my arms. I've noticed

  12. nooo

  13. yes-- my thumbs and my little toes

  14. Yes (both thumbs)

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