
Are you dying to Live or are you Living to die?

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That is good advice Dixie. I hope that the cancer remains remitted.

Excellent insights Bud!!




  1. Both! I am dying to all that is false and yet crept into me as my identity, so that I can live my true self. I am living to realize my true self/God and dying to all that comes that is non-me!

  2.   I'm just taking my time...spending it with the ones I love and hopefully find a few more along the path. To live only to die, or to die to live has no substance for me, there must be much more.

  3. What is the difference between cancer or illness and a horrible heart break? Both are killers and painful to the body and soul. Yet I still find myself here somehow. Answering this question..It feels better now..finding out that I'm still alive..and so are you!

    Life is good. Somehow..

    Great day!

  4. Both, but mostly I am living to die, while already dead.

  5. I'm in love with life, death shocks me. It saddens me to see a person that didn't make it over.

    Death is not real, it's only an obstacle created by the mind.




  7. Ah, lyrics to old Edgar Winter and White Trash song from the early seventies, without having given him credit for the same...

    Does one "die" and if so, by what definition of the word?

    Each exist only in the present moment of the now, as the past is gone and the future is mere speculation.

    Be well and please be wise.

  8. I was giving a year to live about 14 years ago after a major heart attack and after dying for 4 minutes. And here I am still going. So I'm Living to live Baby.

    Take Care

  9. We are all doing both in reality. Those of us who are in good enough shape to, say, climb mountains do so because they are there, while the one who is incapacitated wishes he could climb the stairs.

    The horrors of not being able to accomplish meager tasks take a terrible toll in the mind of the disabled, for once we were young and strong, with major abilities to move the mountains that we now wish we could just walk to.

    Those of us, who are enduring drastic illness, diminished abilities and other medical problems are living to die as the die to live.

  10. Is hope--the grandeur of trust--desirable? Then our existence must constantly be confronted with insecurities and recurrent uncertainties.

    The existence of God can never be proved by scientific experiment or by the pure reason of logical deduction. God can be realized only in the realms of human experience; nevertheless, the true concept of the reality of God is reasonable to logic, plausible to philosophy, essential to religion, and indispensable to any hope of personality survival.

    And from all this, we are just now taking our first step on the eternal journey, we can well see that we must advance a long way before we will progress by "sight" and "material" assurance. We will long use faith and be dependent on revelation if we hope to progress quickly and safely. I do not believe the Inspired Trinity Spirits are playing hide and seek with me. They are probably trying just as hard to disclose themselves to me as I am to communicate with them; our difficulties and limitations must be mutual and inherent. I am satisfied that there are no arbitrary secrets in the universe; therefore will I never cease in my efforts to solve the mystery of the isolation of these Spirits. .

  11. Physically, mentally and emotionally,

    We are subject to pain.

    Failing to accept such inevitable pains.

    It is why the Livings prefer to die.

    Luxuries, enjoyment and praises,

    We are subject to crave.

    Failing to see such blind illusive crave,

    It is why the dead became alive.

    My dear kind Sir, I beg you please.

    An option three I choose to be,

    Learning the way to live my life.

    A blissfully and moderate life.

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