
Are you embarassed to use coupons?

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Are you embarassed to use coupons?




  1. If your embarrassed then give them to me, I'll have them....

  2. Absolutely not!

  3. No way!  I try not to buy anything full price!

  4. only when i didn't notice the expiry date of the coupon for the meal I ordered and didn't bring enough cash

  5. no way!!!  if they don't want you to use them, they shouldn't make them!

  6. a little yea.

  7. sometimes. but i will use coupons from time to time.

  8. a little, I use them online though all the trme since they can't see me ;) I get mine at


  10. At grocery stores no way.  I am usually embarrassed when I don't have coupons.  Or feel silly when I ring up $150 and have one 35 cent coupons. lol  

    But at a nice restaurant I am a little embarrassed yes.  Going out to dinner is a luxury that we do when we can afford it - it is a treat.  Using a coupon makes me feel kind of cheap, or it makes a nice meal feel less like a treat and more like a bargain-hunt.

  11. I use them all the time.  There's nothing wrong with trying to save a few bucks every now and then.

  12. i haven't tried, but my friend did, from mcdonald's he used the coupon, he paid less, and got less. the coke is not in "regular" it is smaller. i don't know if the cashier is just stupid or she really did that because it was what the coupon is for.

  13. Not at all!  I love coupons and buying multiple items to stock up on!  

    Whoever gave me that "thumbs down" can lobby for higher teacher paychecks so that I don't have to use coupons to save money.

  14. I am but the good thing is ... My girlfriend isn't.  Heh, I just let her do the whole coupon thing.

  15. No.Why spend extra $ if you have a coupon that will save you some.

  16. people might think you're cheap by using coupons

  17. No. They're there for a reason, are they not? I'm surprised people who consider using coupons might embarrassed, because really, it's the people who aren't using them who should be embarrassed!! There have been a lot of news stories that prove that using coupons can save quite a bit of money during the year. Why not use them? Plus, why waste the paper they're printed on?

  18. At supermarkets, no.

    On a date... yea.  I don't wanna be embarassed in front of my girl!

  19. Yes, it kinda makes me feel cheap.

  20. NO...I look at it like this FREE FOOD!

  21. No.

  22. I love to use online coupons.

    No face, no shame!

    I tend not to use in person coupons as they do tend to make me feel cheap.

  23. IN stores, no.  At restaurants, sometimes. I always tip on the cost before taking the discount though.

  24. Heck no!

  25. yes i am

  26. nyes

  27. Not at all.  I love coupons.  Any time I can save money on something I'm all for it.  We subscribe to the Entertainment Book and I'm a member of several coupon groups.  Why pay regular price when you can get something for less?

  28. i love them..people who are embarassed need a reality check

  29. heck yeah specially when theres a fine chick in the back waiting or if its alotta food n coupons but if its in night and its just the employee heckkk no

  30. No!! The establishment WANTS you to use the coupon, this is one way they have of finding out if their advertising works. It's free money, and a way to inexpensively try a new restaurant. Also, when dining out I leave a tip of the same amount I would have without a coupon.

  31. I would rather have my hard earned money in my pocket than to pad some rich dude's bank account.  so please pass me the coupons all you embarrased people!  I like the ones at BK, I do a little survey and get a free Whopper

    and I like the one from Logan's too,  $3 bucks off my meal gives me more $ to spend on those yummy ribs!  

    I love a bargain!

    The only way to go, and it's fun too!

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