
Are you embarrassed to be American?

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Cause I sure am. We have a reputation with the world for being rude, S****y, greedy, and narcissitic. I know im over generalizing BTW.

Yesterday really got to me, I was on a train where everybody was quiet (its even considered rude to talk on your cell in the train here), and three americans get on and talk loudly about how *its amazing people are so incompetent all over the world*

Im not saying I never slip up, but when the entire train cart is quiet dont you think they`d at least have enough sense to lower their voices? Why do we feel like we own the world?




  1. No one should be ashamed of being American. Be ashamed of our government, our policies, and actions of those that supposedly have our country's best interests at heart, absolutely. But be proud of being American because we are still a country of diverse, mostly good people. The fact that you CAN complain about being American is one good reason you should be proud to be one.

  2. i feel EXACTLY the same. throughout history we've been the country that enslaved people and had to start a war to give it up, put ourselves above other countries, and are just loud and obnoxious in general.

    i mean, are we AWARE of the opportunities we have here? its disgusting how people can throw all that away when they dont "feel like" doing all the work. some people would give all they have just to get an education. and i dont speak for all, there are some really smart and hard working people here. but, really? how can some people just not care?

    i was on a plane the other day, and this person sitting next to me would not SHUT UP. they just kept talking, even when i told them i wanted to sleep. then after the flight it dawned on me.. no wonder other countries hate us. i would hate us too.

    im also guilty of acting "american", but im sure everyone, no matter what country, has acted the same way i have before. it makes me sick how we think we can rule the world, and even though we know how others see us we dont do anything to change it.

    ahh. humanity these days.

  3. I am not I am proud to be American.

  4. You seem to stereotype Americans and you also seem very closed minded.  I think you should take a closer look at yourself and why you would stereotype 300 + million people.

  5. You're pathetic. I'd be embarrassed to turn my back on my nation so easily.

    Shay - I take it that you haven't even tried to find culture here because from your background you live in S.F. where there is more than enough culture to go around.

  6. in AMERICA every person has the right to his/her opinion. anywhere else? go and try and experience it yourself.

    if you're not happy with what you are and what you represent, then don't just stand there, do something about it!!!

    your experience only shows that there are obnoxious-under-educated ppl. they're in all parts of the world. look around you, travel see for yourself (i have and still do... once country at a time). these traits makes our world balanced and an excellent place to live in. i like it the way it is... no two ppl are alike. imagine a world where all ppl thinks, looks, etc., etc., exactly like you. what kind of a world will that be?

    BY THE WAY...


  7. No, why should I.

    And if you think the rest of the world hates American tourists your are wrong.

    After the Japanese, Americans are considered to be the best tourists.

    The worst tourists are considered to be the French. No surprise there. It's the French who should be embarrassed.

  8. Not embarrassed, but certainly not proud.  I don't see anything to be proud of.  I can only be proud of things I have accomplished, and not something which is coincidence (I was coincidentally born there).

    Like the Texas guy said - I loathed the place so much that I left 17 years ago to Germany and have NEVER, NOT EVEN ONCE FOR A MINUTE even thought of going back to that place.  Given: it is a good place to live (better than Iraq or Tadjikistan), but there are a LOT of better places.

    Not everyone wants to go to the USA either, this is a myth that "ugly Americans" would like to believe.  I think the thing that gets me the most about guys like the Texas dude, is that most US Americans have never even lived outside the country for any amount of time, but absolutely insist that it is the best country in the world.  Unless someone has LIVED in most countries of the world, they are unqualified to make such a statement.  It's more like they are lazy and content to stay there, so let's just say it's the best.

    The behaviour of most Americans travelling abroad is certainly arrogant and bit abnoxious.  Fortunately I speak a few languages, and most people don't realize I'm American at first.

  9. From the times I've traveled abroad, I've found that most people realize that not all Americans are rude and obnoxious.  Just like when you're traveling in France you don't assume all of them are s****. (or whatever), or when you are traveling in Arab countries, you don't assume they are all terrorists.

  10. Mmn. I am a bit. I wish I was raised in somewhere more cultured. The only culture we have here is McDonalds and bikinis

  11. proud actually

  12. I am Extremely Proud to be an American!!! We live in  the best most beautiful country in the world!! We are the richest and Most Powerful country in the world!!! If your not proud to be an American GET THE F*** OUT!!!!  GO TO SOME THIRD WORLD COUNTRY AND EAT DOG!!! Some of you stupid people don't realize how good we have it!!! Tell me this why does everybody want in immigrate here???? In America we have rights. We also have the right of freedom of speech!! So If we get on a train we are used to being able to speak. God Bless America!!!!

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