
Are you embarrassed when you do something embarrassing in front of a midwife?

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One of my friends and I both had horribly embarassing events in front of a midwife and nurses. Embarrassing! People say that they've seen it all before, but isn't it embarrassing for us? Do you agree with me?




  1. Yes I agree with you.

  2. Sure, it can be embarrassing, but it doesn't have to be. I had my baby at home, so the midwives came and went throughout the labor process. Once my contractions really got going, I got to the point where I didn't have any clothes on at all. It was a little embarrassing at first, but once I realized that they really didn't care, I felt fine. Then, when I had to go to the bathroom and I didn't feel like going all the way in there, they just put pads under me (on top of a plastic shower curtain liner). I peed right where I was. I did that twice. Once on accident, and that was slightly embarrassing. The second time, I told her, "I'm going to pee," and I did. I guess I was pretty comfortable by then. :)

    The trick is to know what you're comfortable with, make sure those that are around you know what you'll potentially  be doing, and then honestly be comfortable with yourself. It'll make things easier and you won't nearly be embarrassed as much!

  3. embarrasing yes but everyone gets embarrased... me too!

  4. you can't help being embarassed its natural!! i get embarassed sometimes too :)

  5. yes its embarrassing, but my midwives were so great that i would be able to laugh at the situation or cry whatever.  

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