
Are you enjoying the neocon speeches at the RNC convention ? ?

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  1. Only when it was American as apple pie.

  2. Can't watch it.  Too much fiber for my diet.

  3. Big-ole Commercial.

    The social conservatives are the neocons, the financial conservative are what used to be Republicans...geeze, you guys can't even keep yourselves straight.

  4. you bet--espically the one last night--i'd like to hear it again--the media said she hit a home run

  5. Yes, the same way I enjoyed the communist speeches at the DNC convention.

  6. I'm bored out of my mind! I could care less about Cindy McCain or her parents.

  7. You don't know what a "neocon" is.

  8. Its really sad that the Republican party has been reduced down to two factions. The neocons and the social conservatives.

    Below me. The neocons pander to the social conservatives using wedge issues to get their vote. Necons are globalists that seek economic control of the global market and using military force to promote democracy in the middle east (or any where in the world). Social conservatives are the religious right that seeks a christian theocracy, teaching creationism in public schools, the outlaw of abortion and a constitutional amendment to stop g*y marriage. Yes, there is an overlap, but in general they are two groups.

  9. I'm enjoying the convention, yes!  

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