
Are you essentially a misfit, falling far between the lines of Modern Psychological Theories?

by Guest34170  |  earlier

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Are you essentially a misfit, falling far between the lines of Modern Psychological Theories?




  1. HUH??

    Maybe I am.. I get the feeling that I am!..... it would be interesting if I am.... it would amuse me for a second...

  2. Most definitely yes.

  3. i fall through and around the spectrum lines and cracks of everything.   I like it that way.....

    I figure the harder it is to label me...the better off i am...

    no control

    I enjoy throwing people off...that way they never know who i am or how i feel...but rather become fearful of my spontaneity.....

    and underestimate my capabilities......

    which typically results in their untimely demise..

  4. I am a banana growing on a banana tree along the border of two countries.

  5. No, it has a name for me - multiple personality.

  6. Misfit doesn't even begin to cover it. Modern Psych Theories just try to put everyone into a box, and that doesn't work too well on some of us.

    The world would be better if everyone practiced Unconditional Positive Regard...

  7. I'm not up on modern psychological theories, but I feel like a misfit or at least misplaced in this society.

  8. The best can't even figure me between two given theories....

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