
Are you ever allowed to cross double yellow lines to turn left?

by  |  earlier

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Well for starters, I live in California. There are sometimes shopping areas that are to the left, but the street is narrow with only 2 lanes (one oncoming and the other that I'm driving in). The lanes are divided by a double yellow line. Am I allowed to cross the double yellow line by turning left into the shopping center? Or do I have to drive down a few blocks and u-turn...

I have no clue because some people say its illegal while others say its ok, you just cant cross it to cut infront of another car? The DMV website says:

"Two solid yellow lines mean "no passing." Never drive to the left of these lines unless you are:

* Turning left at an intersection.


* In a carpool lane that has a designated entrance on the left.

* Instructed to drive on the other side of the road because your side is closed or blocked."





  1. The DMV is right. I just did traffic school :(

  2. I see what you mean so just call you dmv office and ask them, this way you will get the correct answer....

  3. Well I'm not sure if it's true in Calf, but typicly from my experience in Ohio and Mich people would turn left as long as there isn't oncoming traffic

    And looking at what you found the shopping center is considered a private road and therefore would be allowed under the turning into portion or the firstone about the intersection

  4. From your question..........."The DMV website says:

    "Two solid yellow lines mean "no passing." Never drive to the left of these lines unless you are:

    * Turning left at an intersection.


    I think you have the answer.      Just stop before the driveway to let oncoming traffic go by before you turn.    Be safe.

  5. here is an opportunity for me to get `bashed` by you Yanks , i`m an Australian and by definition of World-wide Motoring Regulations.....=  that you CANNOT cross Double Yellow or Double White ......un-less there is a Gap/Break in the line (from the original Painting of the Line by any of the DMV (authorised) , to de-note access to an "Entry Point" to a Business or Dwelling

    all i can say to you is...if you want to cross these Lines , be prepared for the Police to be present (one-day) and be prepared to `pay the Costs` associated with the Penalty.

    it`s up to YOU , of course.

  6. No, you are not allowed to turn left to get to the shopping centre if there is a double yellow line.  You can only turn left to get to the shopping centre if there is a break in the double yellow line.  If it is a solid line you have to wait and turn and the nearest intersection or break in the double yellow line.  If you still are not sure you can always call your Department of Motor  Vehicles

  7. I live on a street with double solid lines.  There are  no breaks in the lines either at intersections or driveways.  So yes, you can take a left as long as you grant the right of way to the oncoming vehicle.  On numerous occasions, a police officer has been behind me when I take a left into my driveway.  I have not been pulled over or ticketed.  

    The police had to come to my house once because of an accident in front of my house, they took a left into my driveway, crossing the line.  So, if they can do it, you can do it.

  8. I think that it would be ok. because the DMV guide that you have there says that its ok as long as you are turning into somewhere!! just dont get into an accident right there, it will definantly be your fault!!! be careful out there!!

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