
Are you ever completely happy?

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Are you ever completely happy?




  1. no one is every happy everyone always wants to change something. .  

  2. I can honestly say I don't think anyone is ever completely happy nor would we want to be.  What is left to strive for if everything is perfectly happy.  I can say I've had 3 moments in my life that were as close to complete happiness as I've ever had, my wedding and the birth of my two boys.  I guess 4, when my husband had a vasectomy, that was pretty great too.

  3. Yes a lot. Especially when playing with or just watching my daughter. Pure bliss. I feel as though my heart is going to burst with happiness.

  4. Happiness is a lazy work people use when they don't want to challenge themselves in  life.  I am content, balance and in touch with my self, so i can confidently say that I am fulfilled and whole. Don't go looking for happiness find fulfilment and you will never be disappointed.

  5. nope.  

  6. Rarely, but yes.

  7. nope there is always a nagging in my head of how it could be better.

  8. Yes, I feel completely happy a whole lot of the time.  

  9. no

  10. Yes you will be happy forever.

    Do things rightly and legally .

    Never want more than you can afford financially .

    Always be positive.

    Keep your temper in your control .

    Be a deep believer in god.

    Then you will be happy.  

  11. Humans are selfish when it comes to happiness. They crave it and do anything for it, even if it means pushing other people out of the way. But once they have it, they can't hold on to it and don't know how to enjoy it.

    Have I ever been completely happy? Maybe, but who will ever know.

  12. No person is ever completely happy we will always want something. If people could ever be completely happy we would not have wars. You can be happy but never completely happy.

  13. no and that is because we are capable of and do sin. and also we all carry the death sentence.  we all have to die a physical death like it or not.

  14. I believe so. It might only last 1 second, but that one moment you are suspended in utter and complete joy. Its worth all the other negative feelings you go through.  

  15. Yes, during o****m.

  16. yes. i happy about 97% of the time. and if im angry, ill be got over it by the time i go to bed.

  17. I have bouts of happiness throughout the week. When I'm on holiday I'm completely happy

  18. Right after dinner.

  19. Of course, when I realize that I have accomplished many of my dreams.

  20. sometimes i may be happy 100%, but it's rare not to have any other negative emotion in your mind.

  21. no never. i have something missing in my life that until i will have it i will never be completly happy  

  22. No human being is.  Whatever they think will make them happy makes them miserable once they get it.  

  23. no im too intelligent

  24. Ecstatically happy or just contented? Most of the time I'm just plain contented. It sounds very boring if you're completely so, I know. That's why I whinge sometimes. A whinge always sounds a little more interesting than "Fine" or "Great" (in answer to queries about whether i had a good day or how my health was). Yup. i'm happy to say that I'm never entirely happy, so to speak.

  25. only moments at a time...

  26. Yes.  I think you can obtain true happiness when you make up in your mind that you are going to be happy and live every day to the fullest.  I think you're also happy when you find peace of mind and learn to listen to your own inner-voice rather than opinions and advice of others.  That is not to say that you shouldn't consider what others have to say because it may be important, but ultimately you should blaze your own trail and do what YOU feel is best.

    I also think you obtain complete happines when you end up doing exactly what it is you were put on this earth to do, and when you learn how to forgive others and yourself for any issues that haunt you.  I think at the point you truly and genuinely forgive, that is the point you obtain complete happiness.

  27. After having lived for a long time I can say that a person can feel relatively content with their lives if you do not expect or want very much from life. Don't forget you can  be happy just seeing sunshine or by seeing rain.

    The elated moment or giddiness of happiness is short lived so you have to recall it to your mind to keep it alive.

  28. No, something keeps bothering.

  29. no..not eever in my life

  30. Yes, but it's just so fleeting.  Of course, if it weren't for those other moments of misery and not-so-happiness, we wouldn't appreciate the brief moments of joy as much when they came around and we wouldn't have anything to strive for and we would all sit around doing nothing with no motivation at all.

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