
Are you ever concerned about the answers you give?

by  |  earlier

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I have to be honest with you, I really don't know what I'm talking about. I have no qualifications, experience (outside of stealing car badges and sniffing glue) and people I know generally refer to me as an "idiot". Do you think people actually follow my advice? I see a lot of bad things happen in the news - could it be because of me?




  1. i have never fallowed ur advise  LOL

  2. I just hope that when I suggest murder as a means to fix a situation that the person understands that I don't mean to actually murder the person yourself.

  3. Sometimes, on the news, they say a pedestrian got run over... but I'm pretty sure I didn't do it because I don't have a car.  Bad weather is less clear, though. Sometimes I hear thunder and I scream back, "ARE YOU THREATENING ME?" but I never get an answer.

    People on answers always make me feel least intelligent enough to recognize my own reflection in a mirror. I'm not bragging or anything, but only a few monkeys can recognize their own reflections.

  4. Did you see that hurricane that hit New Orleans?  I think that was your doing.

  5. Yes.

  6. I know it's supposed to burn when I pee but how much blood is normal?

    ...are you responsible for that?  You b@stard!

  7. i'm mostly drinking so half the time i don't care. ur smart and ridiculous good looking so i would say they follow ur advice

  8. Not in the slightest. I doubt I ever answer questions of real people anyway.

  9. lmao,your my hero

  10. No, and you quit worrying. No one listens to you!

  11. The way I see it, all my contacts are responsible for some of the world's ills, and you're no different. I blame you for earthquakes and all related seismic activity, both terrestrial and underwater. I blame Tublet for the extinction of the ivory-headed woodpecker. Crash is in charge of typhoons, Timinator caused global warming and 1thousand is singlehandedly holding back the development of affordable solar energy. I'm pretty sure Revenginator had something to do with the lip-synching switcharoo at the Beijing Olympics, and I hold myself personally responsible for the fact that the Sphinx doesn't have a nose.

  12. How could I ever compete with Tublet?

    I can offer you a nice mouth hug!

  13. omg omg..what if people really think my Questions are meant to obtain real information.

    ****. What a sobering thought.

  14. Why are you putting yourself down, the least you could do is give yourself some self respect. I'm sure you are talented in things, you just haven't discovered them yet. And maybe the only reason people are calling you an idiot for is because you aren't dong much with your life. I'm not trying to offend you in any way all I mean is you need to prove to people that you are human and and are capable of things. I learned that the hard way, but at least now I am respected.

  15. I make it a policy to f**t in someone's general direction when they ask a question.

    That seems like value in my book.

    Don't feel bad, most people regard you as an artist.

  16. I try to give thought provoking and intelligent answers to rectifiy the problems of my fellow yahoo community members.  I can't tell you how many people I've helped by telling them to drop their kids off at the donation box in front of the fire station.

    YOU, my dear, are a freaking genius, and don't let anyone tell you differently.  Sniffing glue has made you almost Einstein like in my opinion.

  17. yes,,I have thought about that the fact that my only qualifications for giving advice in the family section is that I am a bitter,,undersexed and thinking of changing my sexual orientation just to get some attention.

    so I should stay in Polls where that kind of advice is needed.

  18. I live and breath for your word....except for your birth control advise I don't think it worked...I now am the proud trailer park mom of 7 kids all under the age of 7....

  19. Don't you worry your self about it pet.  Anyone who would have followed your advice surely would have screwed up on their own sooner or later anyway.

    Please do as I say not as I do.

  20. aww hehe don't be so hard on yourself.

    But yeh I know what you mean.

    I hope no one bases important life decisions on suggestions that they got from yahoo answers.

  21. Well, people don't have to take your advice. They choose to do that.  

  22. I know I'm a dumba*s and it only reinforces why MENSA hasn't come and kicked my door in. Anyone that listens to anything I have to say is looking for trouble. :)

  23. i could give a f**k about the answers i give

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