
Are you ever financially ready for a baby??

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Okay to make a long story short. I want to have a baby. Im 25 years old. Im a nurses aid and my boyfriend is a department manager. I was in a previous relationship for 7 years and i he wasn't ready to have babies or get married by my standards. I have always been careful and scared to death about getting pregnant. My mom has told me now just isnt the time for me. Everything always goes back to the money part of it. We dont make enough to have a baby. Ive waited and now i think i am ready, No i dont make a lot of money nor do i have more than 1000 in the savings but i have all the love that baby would need. my question is are you ever ready to have a baby? financially? is it something you plan for? I just dont think its fair that all these kids are getting pregnant with no way to take care of a child and I cant have one. (that sounds selfish i know)




  1. In my opinion, you can never really be financially ready for a baby (unless you are rich),  My husband was always so scared of getting pregnant because he never thought we were financially ready.  Our 'happy accident' came along 6 months ago, and although we do not consider ourselves to have been 'financially ready,' we are budgeting well enough to allow me to stay home with him.  I won't lie, it is very rough...but so worth it!

  2. Unless you are rich (like the Jolie-Pitt clan) you aren't ever going to be financially ready.  But if you can provide the basic needs for the child (home, diapers, accessories, formula, food, healthcare, ect.) then I don't see why you wouldn't have a baby if you wanted to.

  3. ITs not really selfish to say that because for the most part it is true but on the other hand there are people in the same situation as you where they have all the love a child could ask for or need and not alot of money in the bank or on the weekly paycheck. I had my first daughter at 17...I had just quit my job and my hubby worked at a sawmill 13 hours a day making 9.50 an hour so we were NOT bringing in bank or anything like that...BUT we made it work! Our daughter always came before us and we always made rent and bills on time and had food in the house. Even tho we went without our daughter did not.Same goes for our second daughter and this daughter I am pregnant with now will always come before us and we will have it no other way.

    No matter if baby is planned or not in my opinion NO ONE is financially ready for a baby and if they are...then odds are they are not emotionally ready for baby. Either way it goes there is no PERFECT solution to baby as in money wise...but people make it work the best they can and I have never met a child who came from a working class family who was disappointed with their life! MY parents had 5 kids and they always made it through everything even tho they did not make much at all! As long as you can provide baby with all the love it can possibly handle and then some....I think thats all the riches in the world without involving money.

    I'm only 21 with 2 daughters(4 and 1 yrs old) and 8 months pregnant with another daughter and we live comfortably on hubby's paycheck for now until I go back to work,then we will have a little play money...but honestly you do not have to have millions of dollars or a college fund set up for baby to be a great parent! Always remember that!

  4. No

  5. You're never 100% financially ready for a baby. You cannot foresee ALL the costs of having one nor can you plan for them. But I do believe you should be somewhat prepared. What is your monthly budget? Start there and figure out all your costs(bills, cars, groceries, etc.). This calculator should help out;

    My husband and I do sometimes struggle with having a baby. I'm not going to lie. But our son does NOT go without. He's always fed and has clean diapers and clothing. Granted we cannot get him all the cool, new, toys but he's oblivious to that. As long as you're still being able to live within your means and have a baby too then you should be fine.

  6. My husband and I were not financially ready either. He is in the army and I am not employed. In my eyes you can never be ready because once you get to a spot where you think you are ready once that baby comes all that money plus more goes towards the baby and baby items. So all you can really do is save a little bit of money in a saving account and when you do decide to have a baby you have a start on the money. Money isn't what makes a family. Loving caring parents and a good home makes a family. So i say go for it and don't let any one tell u when you are ready for a baby it is totally up to you no one me if u need someone to talk to.  

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