
Are you ever going to get over the jonas brothers?

by Guest59754  |  earlier

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no, i'm serious. are you guys ever going to.....uhh...not..."love" them haha?>




  1. Eventually they'll get over them and see how ridiculous their obsession was.

  2. So you're saying "Love has an end"?

    I agree obsessions will end. Who knows how long? But that's one's own business, isn't it?

    They should come up with another name for "love".

    Boyfriends and girlfriends love each other. Married couples love each other. Families love each other. Friends love each other. Fans love their celebrities.

    I think love has more than one meaning and if you mean by "getting over the stage of obsession, to just LIKING them or HATING them", then yes. They will get over it someday.

    I used to be an *ahem* obsesser of JB. But now I just like them. As musicians. As celebrities. As people.  

  3. nope never(:

    im meeting them next year=)!

  4. No, I am in LOVE with them, and i will never get over them. They are the hottest, coolest guys in the universe. I LOVE THEM


  5. after i go to one of their concerts i'll tell ya;...

  6. I certainly hope so. I find them average at best

  7. I see the Jonas Brothers on one of those "Where are they now" shows. This stupid JonASS obsession shouldn't last long.

  8. Well I just saw them in concert which makes me just "love" them even more!! So for me, not for a while!

  9. Gaahhh. I certainly hope so.

    No talent. Fake music. Fake sideburns.

    And and and... they aren't even hot! At all!

  10. Well, if people are going to get over them, I just hope that it's not until after Labor Day.  They're performing this coming Sunday during our local fair and the Lions Club that I'm a part of runs a food booth there, which is our largest fundraiser of the year.  We're expecting Sunday night to be one of our best nights, particularly if we get the concert crowd before and after the show.

  11. haters are just as annoying as fans

  12. I wonder the same thing, these guys are a fad, they aren't gonna be the biggest yet. The Beatles have and will be in that spot. The Jo Hoes won't take them out of it. And I don't see how ppl can love them, theyve never even MET them so how can u love them?

  13. i've liked them for a while, but after i recently went to a concert of theirs, i have complete respect for those boys. they really are amazing, and WORTH never getting over. people just criticize them, but dont really look into them. they are surprisingly amazing preformers, unlike some other disney stars ((miley cyrus)) who cant sing at ALL live.

  14. no probably not

  15. Nope never will.  does it annoy you?  I hope so!

  16. The JoBros will be history in another year or so, so it will no longer matter.

  17. i will get over them im not ganna b some mid aged woman stays up all night googled the jonas brothers. but for now i love them :]

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