
Are you ever tempted to type something really mean when people put those stupid "rate me!" pics?!?

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Also, how come parents aren't monitoring their children? I keep seeing people who look as though they're 10-12, give or take, posting that question with a picture. Don't parents care about pedophiles or their children's safety anymore?




  1. All the time but I try not to. The most I do is call them out when they type things like 'do you think my friend is cute??' I say stuff like 'we all know its you, nice try though' ....Or when people ask questions like 'how fat and ugly am I?!?!" and then they post a picture of a 70 pound person.. I usually say you're not fat or ugly but i bet you knew that and youre just begging for compliments. Annoying. I find it highly obnoxious when 12 year olds want to hear how cute or hot they are from a bunch of total strangers. I dont remember caring about things like that as a kid. If its one thing I've found, yahoo answers is definitely NOT the place for a confidence boost. It doesnt matter how perfect you are, people will find our one flaw and call you out on it big time, and cut you no slack. One girl posted a picture of herself wanting to know how fat she was. (begging for compliments). She was grossly skinny but a bunch of people were like 'well youre not fat but you're flabby, ew.' or 'you should lose like 20 pounds', and 'you have small b***s and huge feet, gross!!!!!" One girl even insulted her because her nail polish didn't match her swim suit... I kid you not.

  2. yess. but i never do. i always say something nice. lol the only reason they put up the pics is so they can feel better about themselves, insecurity i guess, so you might as well just give them a nice compliment so they can have a good day


  3. I always do.I have made it my habit to bring a little reality into their meaningless lives.Their parents do not seem to care,maybe it is that they don't understand the ramifications of their offspring's actions.

  4. no im not tempted to. They are insucure kids so if i said 'YOU ugly!" i would just make them more insecure and that would be mean and mest up and im ushally not a mean person Some parents care some do not. The ones that DO. dont know their kids are doing this stuff. Kids can just take 5 minutes while their dad is hanging with friends and mom is in the shower. And delete the history and parents never see it.

  5. Yes, and I usually do.  Kids run rampant these days, and parents are too concerned with their lives.  That's why we have so many pregnant teenagers.  Yet another reason why I believe this world is going down the s*****r.

  6. about the 'rate me' question, yes.. i always do.. =D

    to your second question, i look at my 13 year old sister.. i've seen creepy [not s**y, she's too young for that] pictures on her myspace, and her friends' myspaces before, and reprimanded her about it. she lives with my dad, and the only thing that i can say about that is he's 50-something years old.. i don't even know if he knows about myspace?

    other than that, if he knew about the so-called tame pictures she posted on there, he would freak.. but with forums and "rate me"'s, unless the parent had a keylogger or checked the cookies every day [which kids learn all too quickly to get around], sometimes it's kind of hard to catch them in the act.. plus, with the outrageous "abuse" and "no privacy" claims that kids are issuing nowadays, the parents could possibly get in trouble for "butting in"..

    haha talking about this makes me want to be an internet crimes agent.. XD

  7. Yeah, I get tempted to say mean things sometimes but then I try to understand that it's just insecure, pubescent kids who just want a little reassurance.  Cut them some slack.

  8. It's actually the parents that are posting the pictures.  They're trying to gauge whether it is worth the effort of pimping out their children.

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