
Are you ever to old??

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To graduate?




  1. It's never too old!!! There are people in their 30's 40's and even 50's still in school, in all the classes I've taken there has been people way older than me, so bottom line is, you are never too old to graduate!!!

  2. from college?


    from highschool.

    they kick you out at 21

  3. There was an article about a 93-year-old woman who graduated from college not too long ago.

    You are never too old to graduate.  Education is very important not only to help you succeed through life, but for a lot of people, it is important for their emotions and for their own personal gain.  There is never anything wrong with being in school, no matter how old you are.  The more you know, the more you have to offer the world.

  4. My great-grandmother got her high school diploma when she was 70 or something like that. So imho, no, you're never too old!

  5. If you are in high school, I suggest you spend all your time trying to achieve the diploma, and doing all the social things you can WHILE YOU CAN.  This period of our lives passes by so quickly and you can NEVER GO BACK.  High school children have many opportunities and freedoms due to the fact that their parents are still in charge and are footing the bill. Have fun for this is a very brief part of your life.

  6. finally, at age 45, I decided to actually finish something in my life and went back to school. I changed my major from my first attempt at college, back at age 20-something, so I needed 3 solid years to finish. But I did it. I went summers, intersessions, whenever I could find a class that I needed, I went non-stop and graduated with a degree in Journalism.

    And the reason I went back was due to something that Ann Landers, the national advice columnist, said one day.

    A woman wrote her telling her that her children were urging her to to back to school and get her degree. She said that if she went to school it would take her 4 years to graduate and by that time she would be 50.

    Ann replied that in 4 years the woman was going to be 50 anyhow, and why not have something major to show for it.

    Hopefully, the woman took her advice and went for the degree.

    I'm not sorry I did it and it has changed my life dramatically. I suppose it all depends on the reasons your considering college as to whether it can ever be too late, but I would think you would find many more reasons for attending school than not going back. Please consider it
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