
Are you excited about school??

by  |  earlier

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lol i am really excited!!! :D idk why




  1. No, I'm dreading it.. Everyone there is an idiot and I hate my school.. So no, =D but I guess I'm excited to see some of my friends there.

  2. yeah, my summer has been kinda boring and school has drama....i get to meet new friends and old friends

    But the teachers will be pretty interesting...what we'll do to them this year

  3. Yes I am. SENIOR YEAR!!

  4. kinda, but not really. I work, and i like getting more money becaue of summer, cause i can work more hours.

    But i am a little, cause i have some new cool classes, and i can't wait for basketball to start. Plus i haven't seen my friends like all summer

    Are you excited?

  5. Yes, I leave for university in eight days.

  6. yes, i am

    i'm usually always excited for school

    but this time.. i'm afraid that i am taking on more than my limits  

  7. Somewhat yes :]

    Lucky for some people, I'm going to a new school and new neighborhood. :[ ouchie  

  8. do pigs fly?

    haha i start school sept 2nd, im not really looking forward to it. ill b a sophomore=D. but hey, it has 2 start sometime

  9. not rreally.

    im not ready to go back to face them bitter losers :@ :(

  10. Me too! I'm going into high school and i'm also nervous but its a new place and new people and new teachers!

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