
Are you excited about the promise and challenges of biotechnology?

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What do you believe are the advantages of such research? The drawbacks?




  1. Sorry, I get pessimistic about this stuff.

    I read an article years ago; the gist was - the 20th century was the century of chemistry and engineering.  The 21st will be the century of biology.

    The first thing that came to my mind was - If you think chemical pollution from the 20th century was bad, wait till you see biological pollution.

    Fundamentally, biology is more complex than chemistry.

    If chemicals have unintended consequences, what consequences will genetic engineering have?  

    It has recently been reported that unregulated experimentation with genetically modified plants is much more widespread than popularly known.  Apparently China has been doing massive uncontrolled plantings.  

    Knowing the history of how industry, business and command economies weigh potential consequences against risk and profit or gain, do you think problems are likely or unlikely?  

    The Europeans are not stupid.  There's a reason they are against genetically modified food.  Also, the idea that a corporation could patent a seed and hold farmers hostage is outrageous, in my opinion.

    We are many generations away, perhaps an infinite distance away from such a complete understanding of the natural world that we could presume to substitute synthetic systems for natural ones.

    Let us take a step back from the brink and consider what we are doing.

    If bio-engineering leverages natural processes, it could be a technology that saves us. There are many simple innovations in this area that could alleviate human suffering and solve many problems.   Re:  Oil from algae and spray on clotting factor that instantly stops massive bleeding.  These are two examples of man taking that which already exists in nature and "bending" it to our benefit.

    But this is a far cry from genetic engineering and releasing the results into the wild.

    If we are reckless, it could be the ultimate Pandora’s Box.


    Well Amy, It’s apparent, the level of discourse here.  You'll need to rephrase your questions, make them more controversial. (;  

    Why do the anti GM food nuts want us all to starve!!!

    Do you think biotechnology is the ultimate Pandora's Box!!! OMG!!!  

    Nuts, ha! Is that a pun?

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