
Are you excited about your first day of school?

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ok im back on wednesday

i have a teacher for english who is scary

i have architectural design and i was told that that class was horrible and the class id for that is 666... what are the odds lol

and i'm not really all that excited im kinda nervous

its like 50% i want to go , 50% h**l naw




  1. idk kinda i want to see my freiends

  2. Why would I want to go back to school when I'm having fun just sitting here all day?

  3. i want to stay home and take care of my son.

  4. im actually really excited for this year... but i have the best teachers this year. and like... a million things to look forward to...

  5. Well I started school today [8th grade]. It felt kinda weird but I usually feel weird on the first day of school for me. It just feels like everyone I talked to last year are now becoming acquaintances and I feel like I'm gonna be a loner this year, I hope that doesn't happen though. Tmrw. is the first full day and I'm afraid that all the seats at the table with my friends are gonna get taken up and I won't be able to sit with them.

    I just really pray that that doesn't happen. . .

  6. No because I'm a nervous freshman.

  7. i wanna go back but the thing is that I'm gonna be a freshman and I'm going to a high school where only 1 of my friend is going and i don't think i'll even see her. But I'm really bord! Also I'm not ready to wake up early...i have to wake up at like 5:30 and this summer i usually woke up at 12 in the noon. so ya.

  8. bad luck

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