
Are you excited that Ramadan is right around the corner?

by  |  earlier

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  1. yep i can't wait,getting up at 4am all red eyed, looking forward to this blessed month,the virtues,blessings to be earned are unbelievable..

  2. yes


    insha'Allah ill still be alive for the ramadan and eid coming!


  3. =)



    yessssssss :D

  4. Yes. I'm going to try and lengthen my prayers and fats a week before it starts because I know if i don't then i will be really tired and find it difficult on the first fast of Ramadhan.

  5. Yes Insha'Allah I can't wait! May it be good for all of us (ameen) where we increase in our Ibaadah and attain more taqwa.

  6. Just another Ramadan for me.  Wake up for suhur with a glass of water, fast, go to work, order pizza hut for iftar, go back, taraweeh, sleep.

  7. Oh yeahhh!

    This will be my second Ramadan insha Allah and I can't wait!

  8. Salam : )

    Yes, Alhamdulillah it is...and i am!

    i mean who wouldnt be..the feeling u feel in Ramadhan ...its just different...the Sehri, Iftari, Tarawih etc.... : )

    and the 3 groups of 10 nights of forgiveness, barkat and freedom from fire of h**l......OF Course!!! ud be crazy not to be..

    and then ....theres EID....


    btw remember me in ur duas in Ramadhan plz.



  9. yes!!!

    Ramadan always makes me feel happy

  10. Yes and no.  Yes because it's such a special time, but no because I cannot really fast and feel a bit left out.  :-S  I DO give money to feed the poor though, and it makes me feel good to know I am helping people.  :-))

  11. Yep.

  12. Am excited and at the same time a wee bit apprehensive.

    It's my first Ramadan, and am doing it alone, but InshAllah, i will be able to do it and be stronger in my belief as a result.

    Alhamdulillah, i was guided to Islam.


  13. yes Alhumdulliah I am exicited :)

    This time inshaAllah its really gonna be a differnet time for me:)

    as now i live in our home with my husband----only :)

    we are both reverts

    Dont worry sister cute deep thinker:

    Allah makes it easy. :) i have expereince about this :)

    it will be hard for the first week but inshaAllah you will be so surprised to have so much courage to fast. bcoz u r doing it for the love of your Lord.:)

    Just try your best to make the most of it.

  14. Yes. I really am, I can't wait for it. I really miss my Ramazan routines like you wake up at Sehari and your whole day goes superb.

  15. Yes im happy...

  16. alhamdolillah:D:D:D:D:D:D:D i am going nuts.. i am really really excited that ramandan r here.inshallah its gonna be the best time of the year:). i pray that i miss not a single day.. and my pregnancy doesnt hinder my saum ...  

  17. YES!!! september 2!!! in morris county, new jersey

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