
Are you excited to go to school?

by  |  earlier

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what grade are you going into / college university/high school/middle school? (highly doubt any elementry ??)




  1. I'm going to grade 11... and I will try to do better =/

  2. middel school and no i hate my  teacher(s) and class  

  3. I would be, if I didn't have so much coursework!!!

    Grade 11 for me!

  4. no im not excited. Im sad .!!

    Going to grade 11. Ughh only two more years tilll im free...

  5. Yes I am.

    Grade 11.

    & I am determined to do well in this school year.

  6. im going to grade 12th this year (A levels), its a new school and im actually scared cuz in that school, the first day seniors have 'fun' with u. in the sense they throw eggs and they even tear off your pockets. just the first day so im a bit scared i think ill hide in the bath room for the rest of the day :$

  7. NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  8. Middle School, 7th grade, and I already started. Ha ha. It's not as bad as I thought it would be, because I like all my classes/teachers except Math. ^_^

  9. Yes I am . I am tire of summer. I like all my classes except fitness and conditioning and spanish 1. I am  a sophomore.  I will try to make this year a great year. I hated my freshman year. I got into trouble because of those bullies. And I got pick on a LOT! I am still afriad that they would still bully me. That's the only thing sucka about school. (those jerks)! But I like school.  

  10. yeah. im actually getting bored of summer [as if thats possible right? lol]

    10th at GRCHS [haha you have no idea what that is. lol]

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