
Are you excited to send your kid back to school soon!

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Are you excited to send your kid back to school soon!




  1. Nope :(. I hate when they go back to school. I feel like our time is rushed during the school year and I spend more time trying to get our daily routine done than I do sitting on the floor and playing with them or running around outside. Not only do they go back to school, but I have to as well! (I'm a teacher). Summer goes by way too quickly, but we still have another month to go.

    Best Wishes =]

  2. OMG is only 19 days till school starts here. This summer has been so long. I am so ready for the older 2 to be out of the house for a few hours a day so I can get something done.

  3. Sending my kids back to school is exciting in that I know they are going to have some fun and learn some stuff.  But having said that I am going to miss having them around the house all the time.

  4. Not really.  She's starting 2nd grade and I still have to help her with homework, so I'm not really looking forward to doing homework.

  5. YES!   I've had it with summer already LOL

    On the other hand, when they go back to school, it's back to a schedule and homework.

  6. No....I don't have one

  7. I'm mixed!! My granddaughter is so bored this summer, but she is starting 1st grade and that's a huge,,,,I know she will love going to school, but she's my baby, I will miss her during the day!

  8. Although I am going to miss my son greatfully and he is going into Kindergarden I am excited to send him back to school to see what all Kindergarden brings him and what all he learns this year. I will be crying the first couple of days though I am sure. But I am not excited becuase he is driving me crazy or anything like that I am just excited because he is officially going to school and he is officially a big boy!

  9. I enjoy the time I get to spend with my children. I especially am trying to make this summer their best since it will be their last summer with a family of four, our third child is due in August. I only have one child in school, she is going into 1st grade, but I love having the kids around. I am a teacher, so I share the same time off with them so I don't have the hassle of needing to find someone to watch them.

  10. well i don't have any kids but i have a niece and no i can't wait for her to start school cuz then i have to help her with her homework

  11. I am more then ready to get my daughter back to school. She is a book worm and does not like being out of school anyways so it is very beneficial for not only me but also her :)

    and sorry that some people on here think that if you are wanting a child to go to school means you are a lazy parent... there is no way i could be lazy anyways because I also have an 18 month old and baby sit my sister's children who are 2 and 3... so if you call that lazy- then maybe it would be wise to know the facts before you start labeling parents who want their children to go back as lazy.

  12. Urrm, we still have 6 weeks to go!

  13. Yes I am.. I do love my kids a lot. This summer seem to much for me to handle them I am pregnant of course. But my son is excited that school is about to start.. He loves going to school..

  14. nope!!! i'm a kid and i hate school. no offense to anyone who likes it but that's just me

  15. Not me. My Mom loves me so much that she home schools me. She loves having me and my brother around. I've got it going on.

  16. In a way, yes. Only because they are excited about certain things with school. They prepare for certain activities during the school year and at school, that they work themselves up to want to go back.

    I'm not looking forward to all the driving them around again! lol

  17. My daughter starts school next year and no not looking forward to it. No offense only lazy parents do. Holidays are time to spend quality time with your children, they don't stay young long!!

    ***Thumbs down? What a surprise!!! We have friends who pray for holidays to end! I find that sad. What happen to wanting to spend time with your own kids??!!!

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