
Are you expecting a good game between Usa vs Spain in the gold medal game? or a blowout!?

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what do you think spain is going to do ? play zone? what can spain possibly do? predictions?




  1. good game USA i say win if the keep their composure

  2. blow team usa averages about 107 points a game. and spain averages around 80 points

  3. Blow out.

    Spain is gonna hold on for dear life..

  4. A huge blowout...

    Team USA will give it all they've got, witholding nothing.

    A gold medal well deserved indeed.

  5. USA will probably lead the whole game and do some AMAZING DUNKS like they do every time they kill a country

                                  GO USA!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. USA will have Spain (racists) crying by half time!

  7. It should be a lot closer than there previous blow out.  Spain had nothing to gain beating usa first time around and actually would of faced them in the semi finals instead of the finals.  So Spain might of thrown that first game giving only 50% effort knowing that they wouldn't have to face usa again until gold medal game.

  8. I'm guessing it will probably be a blow out but I really hope its a close good game...........those are the funnest to watch!!!

    But either way USA is gettin GOLD

  9. spain nah remmeber the last time they faced ea other spain was dying

  10. spain is soft, and physical teams have had somewhat of a success on team usa, i expect a blowout.

  11. USA will have great ambition to play good in the game. If the Chinese community is mad at Spain's racism, then expect an even more favored USA crowd. Crowd or not, USA will win the gold. If not a huge blowout by 30+, then it would be by their average 20 points (still a blowout). USA for GOLD!!!

  12. It will be  a blow out for the US especially now that Calderon is hurt for the Spain team!

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