
Are you familiar with the U.S. Climate Action Partnership?

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The United States Climate Action Partnership is a group of businesses and leading environmental organizations that have come together to call on the federal government to enact strong national legislation to require significant reductions of greenhouse gas emissions.

The Six Principles put forth:

- Account for the global dimensions of climate change

- Create incentives for technology innovation

- Be environmentally effective

- Create economic opportunity and advantage

- Be fair to sectors disproportionately impacted

- Reward early action

"In our view, the climate change challenge will create more economic opportunities than risks for the U.S. economy."

Can consumers help them along? As an example, we could purchase Pepsi instead of Coke, since the latter is not participating in this effort.




  1. A group of businesses and organizations trying to wrest money and influence from the Fed.

  2. Environment, when I think of the environment I begin to think of the water crisis, I speak on it because I have a solution and no-one yet has said it would be impossible to try, so for that I propose this; the same technique that is used to fill aquariums should be used to refill the areas in are country and around the world. I mean being that with global warming in all raising the water levels I guess it would certainly help, purify it for drinking and other purposes of-course. But in-case you're not familiar with the technique of how that goes I believe it takes maybe a couple vacuum pumps, containers, cargo ships and planes. & For that that's why I choose to take the future step that I will take in the name of I/Father and say I have certain demands, because I have every crisis situated and already made it attained a peace for life to exist. Peace!

  3. Without someone forcing their hand, either consumers or government regulation, corporations will not do anything that isn't in their immediate financial interest. They answer to a board of directors and stockholders that demand this, so long-term solutions are usually overlooked in favor of short-term fixes. That's just the way the free market works.

    The best way to influence reducing greenhouse gas emissions is to do it thru your government. It's good to vote with your wallet but it's sometimes a muddied message to the businesses involved, whereas you can speak directly to a politician or send them letters and e-mails.

    We do need to move away from fossil fuels, not just liquefying coal into oil as many advocate. We've been using the same technologies in cars and mass transit for a century and look where it's gotten us, compared to computers which couldn't even be envisioned back then. If we had a fraction as much innovation in energy and transportation technologies we'd have this solved in a decade. But evidently the entrenched interests are dragging their feet, why innovate until that last barrel of oil gets extracted? So we need to use the government to mandate and fund the research we need, and possibly to subsidize it the way Germany has done with solar power for it's citizens.

    It won't hurt anything to boycott or lobby corporations, but it isn't likely to be effective either. One example is the people who liked the tv show Jericho lobbied for months to get it returned to the air, hundreds of thousands of emails and finally the network caved in. The result was 6 more episodes and a new cancellation, not a very lasting return. Corporations don't care until it affects their bottom line and even then it's hard to get them to see why their profits went down.

    Groups like the one you mentioned are created for PR purposes and rarely do anything beyond sending out press releases that spin whatever they were going to do anyway. I'm sorry if that sounds cynical, but that is also how things work, a person might do a good deed, a group of people rarely do so and a corporation never will, unless it's CEO mandates it. And again, he's usually answerable to owners who will want his head for giving away profits.

  4. I didn't see that. I guess I missed the last Principal.

    - Increase capital in our pockets by increasing the taxes on the American people under the guise of the threat of AGW.

    And exactly how will trying to run Coca Cola out of business by boycotting them going to help the thousands of familes of the employees of Coke? I will personally buy more Coke because they are not bowing down to alarmists.

  5. Yes.

    They're a good group, including many industrial leaders, who know we must take action against global warming to avoid an economic depression, which won't be good for business.

    I'm not much for boycotts, which are basically coercive.  Maybe a letter writing campaign, or a demonstration at the annual meeting?

  6. No because I live in Viet Nam

  7. Riiiiiight....because Shell, Ford, and Dupont are all world renowned for their contributions to the environment...

    Can you say "bandwagon"?!

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