
Are you fed up with all the rules and regulations everywhere you go ?

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Are you stifled by them, are you being transformed into a conformobot?




  1. Eden was Earth before the Jews arived.

    It was a peaceful prospeous Planet.

    h**l is what the Jews want to make out of this place, hence the Order of the Illuminati ==> The ones to set the World on Fire.

    And don't get me wrong, this has nothing to do with religion.

    There are 13 Bloodlines who interbreed with each other.

    Interbreed means brother marrys sister, mother marries son.

    Isn't that a sin by all religious standards?

    And they can all be genetically traced back to 4 females in egypt 14.400 years ago.

    They call themselfs the Illuminati and they are the Royal Bloodlines.

    They created Religion which is controlled by the "Freemasons".

    The Freemasons are the "Brotherhood of Death" and they try to Install a Deathwish into society.

    They want to die and they want to take us all with them.

    Now they have a new Weapon.

    This Weapon is called H.A.A.R.P. and it is located in Alaska.

    What they do is they sent a Watt Microwave into the Ionosphere which then bounces back and can create earthquakes storms and can burn us all.

    It is based on Nikola Tesla's patent.

    The earthquake in china/sichuan was created by them because strange unseen phenomenon were recordet just before the earthquake happened.

    You can all research it and I would be happy if you do.

    People need to get educated A.S.A.P. becaus knowledge is power and the "Freemasons" want you to be stupid.

    That's why they call us "Profane Goyim" or sheep/cattle to the slaughter.

    What happens is this.

    The Jews landet on this planet 14.400 years ago.

    They come from a race called the Annunaki.

    They created Religion and hide themself and their knowledge in the Occult.

    The Freemasons and the Wicca are the Occult and every "Magic" Ritual is spoken in Hebrew.

    Research history and you find that every War is started by Jews/Freemasons and was sponsored by Jews i.e. the Rotschild and Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan Kuehn & Loeb.

    Devide and Conqer.

    Divide the World into Nations and Religion and thus confuse the "Gentiles","Goyim","Profane", that are there names for us!

    Fuel Nationalism and Ignorance and make sure that every leader comes from a secret society and thus answers to the Rotschilds.

    Control Money, Religion and Leadership.

    Create poverty and fuel hatred.

    Channel this hatred like in Germany against the Jews.

    Make Wars and kill them all.

    The Word "Holocaust" actually means "To sacrifice a child".

    And that is what war really is, it is the death of children who are young and strong and thus a threat to them.

    All the weapons manufacturers are Jewish owned and staffed.

    Thus the Jews create one "Holocaust" after another.

    The ones who survive will obey everything they say.

    They will be happy Slaves or consumers and workers as they say.

    On December 21 2012 there will be a major problem.

    All Planets of our Solarsystem will align to the center of the Universe.

    That also means that all gravitational forces wil align and push into one direction.

    That means earthquakes and floods.

    Also our world will be in Darkness for 21 days.

    We have Time to prepare for it but Bush who is a Rotschild and a Jew and Britain and Israel want to create WWIII so that we can not prepare and so that we all die.

    Needless to say that they prepared well for this.

    They will be save when we will be dead.

    This is the Truth and you can choose to be Ignorant or you can choose to RISE up.

    Do NOT beleive me.

    Do your own research, you will find the same as I did.

  2. fellow conformobots, my independent thought alarm has been activated. deploy aggressive and oppressive counter-measures!

  3. Sometimes they can be overwhelming I suppose. But get a grip, the majority of them are for a very good reason. If you question one (or some) find out what the alternative could be.

  4. I try real hard not to think of them too often.Most are for our good,its amazing how many people actually need them then don't abide by them."Stupid "accidents go up higher every year.Have a safe and happy 4th!

  5. We need rules, or we would be in a state of anarchy. Most rules have a legitimate purpose, and should be followed. Nearly everybody would really hate it if people could just do whatever without any rules, and that's the reason we keep still have them.

  6. I try not to think about them.

  7. I've always been resolutely non-comformobot except for when I'm sharing a public toilet. Some rules are a Good Thing.

  8. environmental regulations help companies pollute less!

    there I transformed this question into an environmental question.

  9. No.

    People who are conscientious and thoughtful never have to think about the rules.

    When the UK, started having lot's of rules, not one of them did I not already consider.

    e.g. "don't drop litter", well yeah.

    "don't let your dog c**p on the sidewalk", well yeah

    "don't be noisy in the library", well yeah.


    It all comes obvious to me fella :)

  10. This question should be in the "Society and Culture" section. Please admit again in correct thingy.

  11. health and safety would have a field day in my house go to a restaurant not allowed to put a jar of baby food in microwave for twenty seconds in my house i do. shouldnt have nethin blockin hallway that could cause injury my hallway constantly got a pushchair blockin it.

  12. Sometimes I am. How can we be our own person and express ourselves when we are forced to think exactly like other people?

    I suppose though, that life would be horrible if there were no rules. People would walk around lighting fires, making the world a dangerous place.

  13. rules are everywhere.....

  14. Not if the rules and regulations are there for a good purpose, such as "don't litter" or "walk, don't run".

  15. Rules and Regulations are the oil of society. Without them there would no society, there would just be individuals living in anarchic state. Whilst I do agree that some of the rules and regulations brought in by successive governments, especially the current one, are  stifling and oppressive, the basic laws allowing freedom of speech and a right to live without harassment from others are necessary.

    Am I a "conformobot"? NO! If I feel something is wrong or my rights are being infringed upon  then I will speak up.

  16. who isn't?

  17. Well what kind of rules? There are rules that control and rules that help. Anarchy never works

  18. my granpa used to tell me that freedom is great, but freedom without rules is chaos. but there is a point when the rules take freedom away. as far as the gov, theyre just the rich trying to stay rich. cant blame em can we. if you were in power with money wouldnt you want to gain more power and money. but rules are meant to be broken, if the law is unjust when the people are punished the people will rise and thats how you get a revolution

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