
Are you feeling are trying to fit in society? like.. society is one room while your alone in another

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im 20 yrs old and right now i guess im in a stage in where im trying to fit in into society. mm.. i feel a bit lost and confused. i'm trying to find my self and im trying to build a foundation for my future.. mm.. i feel like if i go out and submit myself to society.. my values.. my morals.. my beautiful views on life... my peacefulness will be lost... do you feel this way right now?




  1. I'm 21, and I know exactly what you mean.  But I have a somewhat different approach to solving the problem: I don't believe I need to compromise my personality or individuality to be successful.  If society and I are in separate rooms, then I'm going to decorate mine and make it so comfortable and inviting that people want to hang out in my room instead.

    Somebody told me I'd never be taken seriously in the "real world" if I don't cut my long hair.  I rejected that hypothesis.  I kept my grades top-notch, I studied extra topics in my field, I continued to present myself in a confident way, and I was just rewarded with an internship at a neuroscience research center.  So much for hair-discrimination!

    Nobody can argue with results.  If you have a dream, go for it.  Make yourself the best candidate, and suddenly "society" doesn't care about your views on life; instead, they ask, "When can you start?"

  2. I used to feel that way but I came to realize that my personal feeling and society are two separate areas.

    "The day when you decide that the government is your brother's keeper, that is the day when personal responsibility for your brother is lost."--Herbert Hoover

    Do not believe that in order to get along you must go along, because no man should part with his own individuality and become that of another.  

    "No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible."--Stanislaw Lee

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