
Are you feeling the pressure yet?

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Everyone around me is soo stressed about the wedding, worrying about X and Y, my BM are busy coordinating their travel and worrying about everything, my in-laws are working to get all the details just right, everyone around has been telling me that "it's my wedding" and I'm the boss etc.....


I'm really not stressing at all, I'm not giving anyone any oredrs whatsoever and both my fiance and I are just so laid back and not worrying at all... but everyone keeps on asking us if "we are at the edge of our seats yet" or "if we are stressing about it" etc. etc. but we ar eactually not stressing at all. We are getting married in 40 days and we are not feeling the pressure at all.

1-When did the stress started to get to you?

or, were you totally relaxed and did not worry at all?

2-Do people expect you to lose your mind over a wedding?

3- Did you something out of stress that you regret now, or something funny or unsual that you would like to share?





  1. The only thing that is causing me some stress is the honeymoon because I know my fiance wants to go somewhere fabulous and I would love to as well but it's just not in the budget. Other than that, nothing has me stressed but we are still 4 months out.

    Good luck to you!

  2. I am totally with you on the whole not stressing thing. I am getting married on Oct. 4, and as far as the wedding details go, I am feeling no stress.

    The only thing that is getting to me is everyone around me (well besides my fiance, he is as laid back and i am about the whole thing) Everyone constantly wants to being doing something, helping with something, calling everyone to discuss every little detail of every little thing, asking me how stressed and nervous i am, etc. I mean, of course I appreciate the help, but everyone else's stress is stressing me out! haha Another thing is that I am pretty sure I am the most unbride-like bride in the world....I pretty much don't care and I am not obsessing over all the stupid little things that people expect a bride to get all crazy over (which is probably why i am not too stressed out!)

    Good luck with your wedding, hope you stay stress free! :)

  3. I'm getting married in 3 weeks and the stress started sinking in about 4 weeks ago. Nothing that I had control over it was all other people. The maid of honor bailed and I had to ask someone else to step up and ask a new person to be a bridesmaid...2 of the groomsmen bailed because they didn't want to wear tuxedos (even though they knew since we got engaged last June and they were supposed to be fitted for their tuxes back in February) So we easily replaced them the officiant is a friend of ours and her boyfriend is going to do it and the grooms mom's boyfriend is doing it... My mom has been trying to sabotage my wedding since I started planning (Even going as far as to LIE saying that she was dying of stage 4 colon cancer, she asked me to plan her funeral and asked me to track down her whole family and for me to plan a family reunion for the end of July which would have been 2 weeks before the wedding...we just found out when my brother went to her doctors that they never diagnosed her with cancer she actually hasn't been in in over a year!)

    Our caterer backed out a few weeks ago because her husband is going to Iraq and she wants to spend every minute she can with him... AND my mom was to pay for the DJ but since her lie was blown out of the water she just bailed and said she isn't paying for it.

    SO I'm dusting it off, coming back stronger than ever. My friends, one of my brothers, my fiance and I have brainstormed all morning and decided that we're going to set up our computer, play music from our computer, one of my friends is going to MC the fiance, my brother, my dad and my soon to be father-in-law are going to BBQ the reception. It's going to be a few clicks more informal than I wanted but whatever I'm not going to let these people ruin our day.

  4. I didnt stress too much, even with packing to get to the wedding as long as I had my lists, I remained pretty calm. I always worry that the airline is going to lose a suitcase, so I carried my dress with me and it didnt leave my sight, lol.

    I understand however that my husband had a mini-panic attack just before the ceremony (we didnt see each other before) when he realized he had forgotten the wedding bands in the hotel room!

    **Oh my thats a funny story! That groom sounds very determined to get those rings!

    We couldnt really go back. We just used my engagement ring, and my fathers wedding band as stand-ins. Then later, back in our hotel room, we got to say our vows again with the real rings!

  5. I am starting to stress alittle but only because every one around me is stressing. my invites are going out in 3 weeks and I still havent printed them haha. but other than just staying on schedule to where I need to be Im not stressed about the actual day. best of wishes & congrats

  6. The stress is seriously getting to me, even my doctor told me I have to calm down yesterday, which I suppose is not good.  The funny thing is, none of the stress that I have is over my worries, it's all c**p that everyone else is dumping in my lap.  My mother wants everything to be a certain way and nags at me until I do it.  I tried to tell her to stop yesterday but she says she doesn't understand why it's a problem.  I'm glad we were on the phone and not face to face because I might be in jail right now!  My fiance is the ultimate procrastinator so he doesn't take care of anything and I end up having to do it.  Plus his ex-wife causes more than her share of drama too, and we've been fighting with her for 6 months for the kids to attend our wedding.  Looks like they aren't.

    I'm not stressed about the actual marriage at all, I don't really have pre-wedding jitters or cold feet, none of that.  And if I had my way (which I know I should, but apparently don't) we would just go with the flow and let the day come.

    But at the rate we are going I'm either going to have to top taking my mother's phone calls or just let everything pile up and deal with it the day before to take the current stress off.  And I don't think either of those are going to happen.

    Hopefully I will make it.  I really wish we had just gone to Jamaica, just the two of us, like I wanted.  Oh well, life goes on.  Thanks for the question, it let me vent a little this morning.  :0)

  7. I'm not stressing too bad myself, but there are a bunch of little annoyances around me, like an invitation for one person that came back with 7 listed as attending our event?!?!?  I didn't even know this person had 6 people related to them!

    And the rest of the families are stressing the details, but for the most part it's not too bad.

  8. I am usually a calm person, but yes I do think planning a wedding is having its effect on me. I wouldnt say I am losing my mind or that anyone else is expecting me to, but I have so much to deal with on top of a newborn that without my planner- I am garunteed to forget somethings. And THATS when I stress--once I've realized I have forgotten the planner and I am 45 minutes away shopping for the items listed in it. And even after going through my checklist a good dozen times I cant shake off that feeling that I'm forgeting something. And my family stresses me out, but you'd have to meet them to understand.

    The worst incident so far, LOL, was when all us girls went shopping for their BM dresses. I was chill and let them pick out what dress would suit them all best. They found a beautiful pink tea length strapless. Everyone was done and about to move onto shoes when my sister, MOH, decided she wanted to stand out among all the others and picked out a HUGE ballgown similar to my wedding dress! It was  nearly 3 times more expensive AND she asked that I pay for it.

    Well, I  freaked and cried AFTER they got it, but I came around to realizing WTH, let her look silly and I'll just have the other dresses altered to somewhat match. I regret not being more firm before they purchased the dress.

    They have been very unsupportive from the begining and I've allowed them to use my wedding as a bargaining tool against me.

    Plus side  (I think I should end on a good note, LOL)  is my future MIL. She is the one who offered to pay and I told her we dont need anything big, $1k wedding is fine by me. Well, she asked what I was doing about plates, I said plastic. She looked at me funny and a couple days later went out and bought BEAUTIFUL glass plates, vases, wine glasses.  I was SOOO shocked! She has been so nice and overly generous!

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