
Are you flattered when people copy your questions?

by  |  earlier

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Or are you offended?




  1. it doesn't bother me... i'm not flattered or offended no matter how original i think i am... it's probably been used in different circles / forums in some way shape or form.

    maybe they liked it & thought their group of contacts would have the answer they wanted to hear. i come up w/ alot of stuff on my own from current events etc but i also take stuff from comedy or borrow stuff from other users & add my twist or just let my contacts have a go at it.

  2. offended, unless they give me credit.

  3. Neither, the chance of someone thinking the same thing as me is pretty good.  

  4. offended.  

  5. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

  6. offended

  7. Questions, Answers and no not unless you see that its later put in front of an answer to legitimize "their" answer. Then, Yes it at least "DID" peeve me "Once upon a time in Y/A Land....... Now, I see it all smokin' mirrors.

  8. No one has yet...

  9. Are you flattered when people copy your questions?

  10. Well, no sense of me getting offended. I mean, it's not like a person can go back to every single question they responded to to see who else answers.

    Besides, if you recycle a question, there is more chances your contacts might answer than if you just starred a question. Sometimes you starring your questions does not get seen by your contacts. And besides, if no one copied questions, then that means that sooner or later y/a! would have to come to an end because there would be no questions left to answer. That, and recycling questions means that there will be different responses as not everyone can be on y/a! at the same time!

  11. ha, mostly annoyed :)

  12. neither, because I do my research. The questions I have asked are either VERY personal and only unique to me or I just didn't find the answer when I googled. So I end up asking the more unique questions that haven't been asked 20 gazillion times before and after me.

  13. It annoys me, because I try to be original. What pisses me off more is when they copy my question and use it as their own, and get more answers than I got.

  14. I don't really know I guess I don't really care, answer mine

  15. I had no idea we all had copyrights to the questions we ask.

  16. i'm flattered

  17. People never copy my questions.

  18. meh, if they do, at least do it right, becuase I have seen them not even put down the whole qeustion

  19. No, can't they use their own brain?

  20. Not flattered, I get a bit peeved...but what can I do....

  21. A combination of both.

  22. No, it doesn't bother me.  Some of them are pretty good recycled anyway.. LOL

  23. Neither, just shows they have to imagination

  24. I'm offended because i just asked that question!

  25. Who cares! They might just have the same question as you and they didn't see yours. It doesn't mean they copied you.

  26. well if you think about it.... there are so many questions being posted on yahoo... people probably dont realize that there is another question just like it.

    sooo you probably do it too.

    in fact, i have seen this question before...

    i say just get over it, it doesnt matter

  27. I never had it happen to me, but I wouldn't really care.  

  28. I do not mind

  29. )Of Course I'm Offended Stealing My answers UF!

  30. It makes me angry.

    People shouldn't steal from the king.

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