
Are you fooled by the hype the media tries to fill you with?

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Here is a great example... the news article title: Scholars Question Palin Credentials

This is the lead story on Yahoo News.

In the article and subtitle it is quoted as Presidential scholars saying:

"I think she is the most inexperienced person on a major party ticket in modern history," said presidential historian Matthew Dallek.

Well is Matthew Dallek a Presidential Scholar? How about speech writer for the far left wing Democrat d**k Gephardt's campaign. LOL!

Once again Yahoo News is OWNED! LOL!

Were you sharp enough to catch what I caught? My guess if you were a died in the wool Obama supporter you bought it hook line and sinker.




  1. I have just spent the time researching the congressional voting records of McCain, Obama, Biden, Kennedy, and Clinton.

    Why? Because the Obama campaign has made it their point of casting aspersion at McCain for voting with Bush 95% of the time.

    Well, guess what? Obama has voted in agreement with Biden (in office for 36 years) and Kennedy (in office for 46 years) 95% of the time.

    Is this really 'change we can believe in'?

    That Obama votes along the party lines of the 'old boy network of democratic liberals?

    This is not change, it is a new inexperienced face (less than ten years experience) being passed off as a free spirit.

    Obama represents the same old democratic politics-tax more, give more to the unions and the welfare cases.

    So, if you elect Obama, expect to wait in line at the supermarket, behind the increase in people buying food with wic and welfare coupons, that are money that was taken directly from you, and handed out to those who's only reason for getting a freebee? Was not controlling their sexual organs!

  2. I (NEVER) believe anything the media reports.

  3. About half a dozen people have put this up today, (The same story is on and, yeah, I think I know a little about "Presidential Historians", since I have two dozen or so Presidential biographies on my bookshelf....And NONE by any of the "scholars" quoted in the story.....typical.

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