
Are you for Iraq war or against it and why?

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Are you for Iraq war or against it and why?




  1. been against it from day one.

  2. 1. the people fighting for our country are people who wanted to be in the army, not people who were forced to do it

    2. the people in iraq WANTED us there

  3. I am against all wars.

    I especially do not understand how someone who chooses to fight in these wars and then dies how they can be called a hero???

    Just because they carry a gun does not make them a hero. It only creates more violence and more families without a son,daughter,mother,father.sister,brothe...

    What about the innocent ones, the children and families in these war torn countries that have nothing to do with it.

    We just look blindly on them and pin another medal on our honoured dead.

  4. Against.

    War was never declared by Congress.

    The eventual cost will reach obscene amounts of money.  This is both in lives, wasted resources, my money, your money, lost opportunities to use our money for other purposes such as reducing our national debt.

    There are much easier, more effective and less expensive ways to achieve whatever goals they had in mind.  Unless of course the goal was to spend gazillions of dollars to benefit the few at the expense of the many.

    The Negatives far outweigh the Positives.

  5. Against, and I always have been.

    It was not our fight to get into- Saddam Hussain was in power for 18 years or so; why did it take so long for the USA to decide he was a threat?

    1) Because of 9/11- George Bush panicked over the entire 'war on terror' thing. He had to be seen to be doing something, and seeing as no-one was ever held accountable for the terrorism, he chose the next best option

    2) Because oil prices went up

    The thing that really irritates me is that Tony Blair led the UK into a fight that was nothing to do with us. The UK didn't want to be a part of it; neither did Blair's own government. He was meant to be Labour- the far extreme left version of Bush's Republican, so why where the two such good friends?

    Many people may not like Gordon Brown, but at least he sticks to his socialist views instead of pretending to be Labour but actually acting Republican.

  6. I think that's a touchy question, but I think that I'd say I'm against it. We aren't fighting an army or anything, we're fighting an *idea*. I mean, It's like if President Bush went out and said, "I declare war on Religion" or "To war with Christmas!". It's almost like how Hitler wanted to wipe out Judaism.

  7. That's not a reasonable question.  We are entangled in a horrible mess which lies somewhere between a war and a police action in a sovreign state within which there are any number of warring factions and where everything is freighted with ambiguity.  People talk about "winning the war", but this implies a clear-cut ending in which we are victorious over the forces of evil, and peace, prosperity and democracy flourish in a pro-western society.  Right, and pigs might fly.  The best we can aim for, and I'm sure both MCain and Obama understand this despite their flights of campaign rhetoric, is a measured withdrawal of our combat troops in a way and at a time such  that the country remains reasonably peaceful and the region does not go up in flames.  I suspect that we'll have "advisers" there for the long haul, although this does depend upon the Iraqi government.  Engineering such a withdrawal will be a huge challenge - it's always a lot easier to get in than to get out.

  8. im for it we are helping a country to better themselves. these people dont know what freedom is like we do. they are scared of the militia groups that run most of the cities. their children are raised to carry weapons and fire them. their husbands are told if they dont be a suicide bomber they will kill their whole family. we are not in iraq for the oil read up on where we get most of our oil from the number one spot goes to canada number two goes to somewhere in south america and number three is iraq......if you could truly see some of these peoples faces when americans show up you would know how rewarding our military's job is

  9. The war in Iraq is for oil. and along the way KBR and Halliburton are raking in huge profits..

    Its disgusting

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