
Are you for big government or small government? why?

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I'm for small government, btw.

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  1. Small Government, the government is best that governs least.

    Everyone will see what big government policies do when our 65% GDP debt becomes a 240% GDP debt as Social Security and Medicare fail.

  2. i'm for any gov't thats not in my face or my business

  3. I am for small government.  This countries infra structure was built when, there was no dept. of security, no dept. of education, no department of transportation, etc and etc.  Wages were only taxed at a rate of less than 15%.  Deficits even with wars, were marginally small when compared to the GDP.  I like to do things for myself, I don't like to rely on government.  If I was able to have put money into a savings account that I put into Social Security, I would have over 1 million dollars after it was compounded, and it would be mine.   Other than the military, I can't think of anything the government does well, or economically.

  4. Small government. Easy, it costs less and I don't want the government in my business all the time.

  5. Small government/big government, whatever its all a myth.  The right wingers that inject this archaic thought process on public are the only true beneficiaries of it.  The so called tax increases on the middle class are only going to the top 5% of income earning americans.  I dont know what world you live in, but here in ohio $250,000 a year is not middle class.

  6. There is no such thing as small government since before the Nixon era.

  7. I say small government. Because a big government is inefficient.

    Naturally, people different opinions on practically everything. Some will feel strongly about certain things whilst others believe it's no big deal. Prime Minister Hippy may believe "global warming" is the most important factor to consider in the world right now, whilst Chancellor Conservative may just want to make our economy more productive.

    So you see, there would be more heated debates within a larger government and a smaller government would be cheaper, and much more efficient. Since all politicians are tards there are fewer morons in a smaller government.

    By the way, I don't really believe our PM is called Mr. Hippy or our chancellor's second name really is 'Conservative', was just trying it out. Don't know if it's g*y...

  8. Small.....we are all accountable for our own actions and outcomes.  Expectations that the governement is always going to bail us out is unfair, selfish, ignorant, and dangerous.

    The government is responsible for protecting us from danger and protecting our constitution.  Period.

  9. Small government.   Mostly because I completely agree with the quote that says "The government that does the most for you is also the government that takes the most from you"

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