
Are you for mccain or obama, why?

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sorry this is in the wrong catagory, its just that many ppl dont answer other catagorized questions




  1. obama because i agree with his views on issues. he is pro g*y marriage and pro choice, and i think those are two veryyyy important issues. he also plans to do a lot for global warming.

    plus mccain looks like a turtle. =)

    ps. pro choice means for abortion. duh. pro life means against it.

  2. I think the Madtv Rihanna Umbrella parody did it for me! Obama! Whoo!

  3. Anyone who would end that useless war in Iraq. Our troops are dying there.  

  4. Last time I checked, the elections category has many people there.

  5. Definitely Obama.

    We need change in the US.

    Bush has screwed everything up.

    And McCain will continue where he's left off.

  6. McCain

    About the war: We started this war. If we hadn't gone into Iraq, there would be no war (the people would be suffering, but it would not involve us). Leaving now would create a civil war in Iraq, and the U.S. would be responsible. I think that it's our responsibility to stay. I hate this war, but we started it, and it's our burden now.

    About taxes: Does Obama really think raising taxes is going to help the economy?

    Abortion and g*y Marriage: I say let the states decide. I personally do not care wether a state allows civil union or abortion.

    Obama is a junior senator. He doesn't have the experience McCain has.

  7. Wow, so liberalism IS a mental disorder!

    And McCain is racist for being white, but you guys are A OK for not liking McCain for being old and having white hair.

    Obama is pro abortion, pro murder, he was the only one who supported babies being left to die after they survived an abortion. But nooooo, he's prolife, all you obamabots claim!

    He's had 143 days experience.

    But, unlike you obamanites who only repeat what your parents think, I have better things to do.

    God bless!  

  8. obama i agree wit u in that mccain is just like bush

    and i get pissed wen ppl say we want obama cuz its the *cool* thing 2 do. i mean wtf?

  9. mccain. obama is doesn't have enough experience.

    edit: i can't believe some of you are basing your decisions on how mccain looks like a turtle, he's old, and that obama is "cooler".... wow! those aren't very good reasons.

  10. obama Yes we can

    im a democrat and i soooooo do not want another republication in office like Bush he is hurting our country

    i agree with all of obama's views on todays issues: i think it is only just and fair that g*y marriage be legalized, i am pro choice i hate abortion but it is the women's decision to make and the biggest issue

    no more war in Iraq! bring our soldiers home, with obama they will

  11. Obama '08

    We don't need anymore Republicans in office, we need change!!

    I was originally voting for Hillary, but my vote has gone to the next best Democrat (Obama) since Hillary has dropped out of the race, but hey she'll be vice president if Obama wins : )

    I am 18 and READY to vote : ) and know why I am voting for Obama, and my reasons are not because he's young, because I know he can bring our economy out recession, bring the troops home in orderly fashion, help the foreclosed home epidemic and restore the value of a dollar

    If another republican were to win, it would be another 4 years of war, health care and gas prices would continue to sky rocket, there would be an even smaller gap between poor and rich leaving out the middle class, more foreclosers and less trust in the economy,

    I am sorry but some people are ignorant, you can't base your vote off one issue, it makes me laugh that you would rather continue the war for 4 more years because your against abortion, silly, abortion will never be made illegal so why base your vote off that

  12. mcCain. obama supports abortion, which is murder.

  13. I cant Vote but.. I want Obama For yo Momma. !!!

    Like, this country does need chanqe.

    And, Hes all for qay marriaqe && Abortion.

    People are qonna do what they want to do one way or another.

    Theres no pint in qivinq them limitations where they can qo past them anyways.

    People should be able to marry who they want and live how they want. And i dont qet why its anyone elses issue as lonq as there happy ?

    && Also, Some people arent ready for a baby, And they made a mistake. If they had it, they miqht just end up abusinq the baby, and not qivinq it what it deserves in life !!!!



    And mccains old.

    h**l just die in like, the next year

    and his hair is uqly

    and he does look like a turtle


  14. Ok my old babysitter from when i was 7 works for the senates and she goes to the meeting and everything...she says that Obama want to bring the Iraq war to our country...then their is McCain that wants to end war!

    I vote McCain

  15. Ehhh neither! I think they both are bad, but I will be votong for McCain. Obama's stance on abortion ruined his vote for me. And I don't believe in g*y marriage, which Obama is going to legalize it.

    Yes I know I'm going to get thumbs down, but oh well cuz that's my opinion and beliefs.

  16. hillary

  17. McCain, because he has a solid conservative stand point and he is a man that i know what i am getting with the candidacy. Obama is a man that as soon as he became senator he ran for president. He is very liberal. He is a socialist i.e social health-care taxes for his minorities.Obama scares me too much to be honest. it also scares me that AMerican are voting for him. its sickening. McCain is a patriot can't say the same for obama. McCain has served his country and every time he talks about vietnam and the people that were there he has tears in his eyes. He is also strong on issues such as sanctity of marriage and abortion. both of there weaknesses are Illegal Immigration. But Obama would destroy the economy and raise taxes we would die. McCain's possible running mate Mit Romney is Very strong in economic isssues and I believe he could save it...I also think that McCain is right saying drill now because why should we suffer in gas pries till they do come up with the final alternative resource to replace the need fo oil.

    Good luck McCain : )

  18. thats a lie obama does not support abortion. i would vote for obama because he can make can in this country and personally i dont like mccain . also im tired od old men having control over the usa

  19. Obama!!! we need change!

  20. obama... time for a change plus he seems cooler than mccain

    (i dont rly care about the "issues" cuz i dont like in the u.s.)

  21. Obama llama all the way. we need change. we could elect mccain and have another bush like figure in office, and maybe get into another war. we need change, and obama can give that to us. obamas issues are better in my opinion. first of all i dont see what is wrong at all with g*y marriage, no one should be able to tell you who you can and cannot love. also, abortion needs to be legal. women are going to continue having abortions even if it is illegal, and if it is illegal it will not be safe and even more people will die from it. you can think it is wrong but women will always find ways to abort their fetuses.

    and people are NOT basing their views on weather or not he looks like a turtle. they say above why they dont like mccains issues, so calm down.

    also mccain has commercials that are against obama, and i think that that is bad sportsmanship.  

  22. I want Obama to win. I agree with most of his policies.  

  23. Neither.

    I want Clinton.

    Because Obama and Mccain is neither a good leader for our country.

  24. Obama.  Although he does not have that much experience, Bush did.  And look at America now!! Also he's a people person, although I oppose of abortion!



  26. Are you even old enough to vote?

  27. Obama. I just don't agree on his views on abortion up to the 7th month. I just want change.

  28. mccain cuz hes a republican.

    i really dont like obama.

    idk alot abuot either.

    but if i  had to choose, def. mccain.

  29. McCain.

    I don't really like him, but I'm against abortion and g*y marriage.

  30. I really want Obama to win.

    To Me, he represents change.

    We have had sooo many typical, white haired, for Iraq, Presidents.

    I really like Obama because he is against the war and so am I.

    I also think that McCain is too much like Bush and i'm not a fan of Bush.. I just got a really bad vibe from him... Especially after watching this video:

    He Just Seems SOOO Negative.. I made so many positve changes this year, that I want someone positive.


    Obama: Yes, We Can [Notice the WE]

    John McCain: No You Can't [Notice the YOU]

    What About YOU?

  31. Obama! Why would we want another republican when we hate Bush? I think Obama is pretty cool. My parents have pictures with him in our house, and I've been to one of his campaign things before. He is amazing. He made great points about education. So what he's okay with abortion? Personally, I'm against it, but you can't make it illegal. You're saying if someone raped you, and you got pregnant, or your were 13 and you got pregnant, you'd have no choice but to keep the baby!? That's silly. I agree more with democrats. My dad thinks he'll chose Clinton for vice president, because if he did he'd certainly win.  

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