
Are you for or against Drilling for Oil?

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If its in your local National Park?

or lake or sanctuary or backyard.

and you don't stand to profit at all or benefit in any way.

That is what will happen with McCain/Palin.

My backyard, my local National Park (Channel Islands), no reduced gas prices, oil companies are the only ones who will benefit.




  1. You're wrong about that. Prices will go down with increased supply, unless demand matches the increase, then prices will remain the same instead of going up.

    I kind of doubt that you will be able to see the oil rigs from your home though. In the link below, people can see a map of the area.

  2. Against. We don't have oil to sustain ourselves with.

    It's a sad truth that most people (and Palin) just don't get.

  3. all for it, wherever, all for wind too

  4. I'm for drilling as long as it does not kill our wild-life and reduces our Independence on Arabia states.  

  5. What we need is to turn away from oil. If we put our investments into drilling more, that's money we can't use on investing in other technologies.

  6. Against it, why waste time and money when you could use it developing alternative fuels. i think its estimated that in about 50 years the oil will be gone anyways, no use in destroying beautiful land which we're trying to preserve too.

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