
Are you for or against home schooling?

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I have always been against it for these reasons.

My sister had told my parents (at the age of 5) that she didnt want to go to school anyone because kids were picking on her (kids have done that since the begining of time) whats so different about her.

So today I found out the truth that the real reason she doesnt want to go to REAL school is because you have to do real work there and actually be IN school, it was never the kids, she just doesnt want to get up early, make friends, and do classwork, shed rather be at home all day (with her pets) her words exactly.

Homeschooling just supports children being babied, how will your kids grow up if they never learn how to.




  1. This question really isn't worthy of a response, yet I can't let such drivel go without making a comment.

    Assuming that you aren't just trolling, YOU need to grow up. You've always been against it because your sister pulled some baby act, so that means that EVERYONE is like that? That is the most prejudicial viewpoint ever and not one a MATURE person would make. And you think that because YOUR parents babied your sister means that the rest of us baby our kids? You racist, too? I mean, if you're going to jump to conclusions like that, you must have seen someone of a different race do something you didn't approve of. Did you apply it to the whole race the way you've done with homeschoolers?

    Grow up. My kids, at 7 and 10, are looking to be more grown up than you.



    As for my actual viewpoint, I'd have to respond: depends on who's doing it. I've yet to meet a homeschool parent who is homeschooling to shelter their kids or even whose homeschooling babies the kids. I've met some very fine teen homeschoolers who have always been homeschooled; these kids are far closer to being mature adults than the public schooled teens I see or my husband works with (he's a jr. high teacher).

    Maybe I've just had a really long day, but I'm soooooo sick of hearing people's judgemental, not-thought-out comments. Babied? Prove it. And not with the ONE example you have. Someone else said "no child interaction". You  go tell that to the homeschoolers we see on a weekly basis (with about 30-some kids around), to my kids while they're at swimming and skating lessons and on field trips or play dates with other kids.

    "30-50 friends"??????? I've yet to meet someone who grew up with 30-50 friends. Friends were pretty much limited to your class (maximum number was 30, about half girlf, half boys, so that automatically lowered it, and nobody was EVER friends with everybody else in the class). More to the point, why is having 30-50 friends supposed to be better than having 10 friends? Do most adults spend their time balancing a schedule to maintain relationships with 30-50 friends??

    Calling names?????????? OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, adults go around calling each other names all the time. Uh huh.

    "It tends to appeal to parents who want to shelter their children from the realities of life, and/or teach only their own slanted views as opposed to actual facts. It also tends to hamper childrens social development, and creates a xenophobic, cloisterish mentality within the home." HOLY COW. Where are all these people coming from today???? Judgementalism school???

    Btw, shame you can't go back in history to tell Thomas Edison's mother, and the Roosevelt's parents and all the other important figures of the past who were homeschooled that they were simply babying their child and would never learn to grow up.

  2. I actually felt the same way until my son was failing due to his ADHD.  I tried medication, but it didn't work.  He fell so far behind that I had no choice but to home school.  He was in eighth grade when I took him out.  I home schooled for 1/2 year and now he is in 9Th grade and got all B's.  He said " I never want to stay home again"  You see, he had to work for 3 hours straight.  He told me School was easier than staying home with me.  So it really depends on the parents.  I didn't let him get away with anything.

  3. I am sorry you were raised in such a pathetic and ignorant family-I have to second Glurpy on her observation that you are so immature that you base all homeschoolers on your very young sisters actions, and your parents inability to do whatever was right for her.

    However I am for homeschool because when people who aren't doing it improperly, they surpass their peers in the areas of education, socialization, self-esteem, and general life-long success.

    Are you sincerely implying that a brick building with people who know you for ONE YEAR out of your whole life is what makes you "grow up". I feel sad for your small mind if you sincerely believe that. My *5 YEAR OLD* is more open, articulate and makes her points more precisely than you do-and BTW, she's homeschooled.

    My 17 year old is going to college, has a plethora of QUALITY friends, is more responsible than most 40 year olds......he was homeschooled.

    My BROTHER is a system moocher who has gotten 3 girls pregnant, can't hold a job and has been arrested 3 times-he was government (publicly) educated.

    So you tell ME who is behind.

  4. I am so for it! I homeschool and there are clubs and field trips.  If your parents are teaching her at home they should look into a virtual school. Did you know that we are the only country that has kids in school at 7 AM? Most start at 9! Even Japan where kids are doing great. Even my hubby's job did a program where you go in at 10 or 11 off at 5:15 Or 6:15 My hubby stuck to the 11 and then asked if he could work at home and go in for meetings that is what most there do. AND it is working, we start our day at 9:30 and work 'till 1:15 and then start again at 2:00 works for us.

  5. Not always true

    But here is reality, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.  Send her to brick school and what do you do when she comes homes with Ds and Fs on her report card, doesn't do her homework and won't open a book.

    All you do there is create a hostile person who now hates you as much as school.

    Don't let a person like that near or knife or gun.  Those are the kinds that go on to campus and start shooting.

    It's how they release their anger.

    One day, when all she can get for work is janitorial, she'll go back to school and learn to read and write so she can at least work at McDondalds.

    It also sounds like there is some sibbling rivalry going about here too.  You aren't being babied enough maybe.

    You see the fact of the matter is only 40% of American is doing well in school while 60% of homeschoolers are doing well.

    10% of America is top of their class while 25% of homeschoolers are.

    A considerable amount of homeschoolers are applying to college at age 16 or 17 and getting accepted.

    But you see that has to do with the INDIVIDUAL not the system or method.

    When the system or method keeps the individual down, then that is a problem with the method.

  6. While homeschool can definitely be a little more isolating than public school, we aren't the lazy, social misfits you are saying we are. We've has less friendships, but each one has been richer. My brothers and sisters were all homeschooled, and my brothers both have FANTASTIC jobs--one at Google as a software tech and one at Sandia Weapons Laboratory. They all have their own friends and my brother's even dating. My sister has a nice circle of friends and is now a Regional Account Manager at a major hospital, and two of my said siblings were National Merit scholars in high school--that's a big thing. There's no drugs or s*x in homeschool, and we learn to form our own person. Doubtless I would've gone into very bad depresison in public school. I've seen so many public schoolers and all they talk about is the right clothes and about who is sleeping with who and what Britney did in Hollywood. There's a LOT of nice public-schoolers with great ideas and intellgence, but overall, the state of our public schools is sad today. I don't care that I missed prom.

    Yeah, it got lonely sometimes, but I'm slowly starting to make friendships richer and sweeter than the ones I made with the popular girls from public school who went to my summer camp.

    On the other hand, homeschool isn't for everyone. It [ETA: Public school] does offer you more after-school activities and chances to be on teams and lets you get into college easier. It just depends on the person. Overall, though, I say thumbs-up to homeschoolign!

  7. for  and against is me so both!!for it means you can spend mre time with yyour child and help them more to lear more. but against them the kids have no child interaction. only the kids that live near them or know for parrents friends that have kids. there is one kid in my classes and he has been homeschooled all his live and lackes social skills. he only has about 10 friends when a another child would have 30 -50. and they are also not used to be calling names because there parents have never called them that so they will not know how to handle with them!!!

    i'm more against the homeschooling.

    also they need to learn how to grow up. or they will not know how to function when they do get out of school!!!!

  8. Wow, with all your professed maturity and education you've drawn some interesting conclusions from a sample of one. Why do you think your sister's case can be transferred onto every other homeschooler in the world? There are home schoolers who have gone to college and done well. That kind of busts your argument, doesn't it?

    I am pro-homeschooling for a variety of reasons. I don't think it works for everyone, but I'm not interested in typing a lengthy reply to you. It doesn't appear that you are interested in changing your mind. If you were, you'd have gone and done some proper research. I don't see why you need to blame a 5 year old for being a 5 year old. Did you understand the importance of education when you were 5? Probably not, you just went to school because you had to. Even kids who like school look forward to the holidays when they won't have to go. Who likes getting up early? Some children are just too young at age 5 to be sent out into the big wide world of school. That's why so many kids repeat kinder. Look around at the rest of the world and you won't be able to tell who those "babies" who needed another year before school were. My sister was picked on something vicious at school, so I was rather surprised that she was so severely against homeschooling, when I brought up the idea of homeschooling my daughter. She told me that being picked on is character building. She's 25 and has few friends because she doesn't even know what type of social activities she likes to do. Maybe she'd be better off if she'd been picked on even more as a child? Or maybe she'd be better off if she hadn't been? Bullying isn't character building, it's character destroying.

  9. Who says you have to take the hard road?

  10. it would be nice but maybe if ur kid is havin a bad year or just a really easy one then maybe butt not all the time

  11. That's a huge assumption to make based on one kid wow!  

    That's like saying I knew a kid who took a gun to school and killed 5 people.  Public school just supports children growing up to be murderers.  How will your child grow up if they never learn how?

  12. Very much against it; my next door neighbors are home schooled and are VERY naive to the ways of the world....(not going to say more on that subject---they're nice people, but get a clue---their kids are about my age...)

    One thing in particular though, they don't seem adequately prepared for the college selection process---colleges want accredited schools; colleges want a GPA from an accredited school; they want people who are "well rounded"--- people who do sports, journalism, band, whatever it may be.

    (and a big **they weren't exactly prepared for the various formats when it came to standardized testing, not the way traditional schools prepare you...)

    ---P.S. to the comment above mine---chill out. Not all public schools are bad, or necesarily to blame for your brother.

  13. I'm for home education...some of us don't have any access to schools y'know: the closest high school is a 16 hour drive or about 1000 kms from where we live; the closest primary school is a 4hour drive away.

    So without homeschooling we'd be illiterate and innumerate as well as anti-social and 'baby-ed' lol! Anyone who honestly believes being home educated makes us 'baby-ed' should come up here and meet our mum!

    Anyway I wonder how our family (unschoolers) or the many other unschooling families out there would fit into your view of the world. Not very well, I'd guess (lol!). It's a pretty one sided view: what about parents like mine who don't believe in having kids and then dumping those kids on the Nanny (schools) to bring them up!

    [quote]You know what you do when she comes home with bad grades? Whoop her *** til she knows that you cant give up on school just to stay home[/quote]....

    ....WHAT has that got to do with ANYTHING, let alone homeschooling! Sounds to me like you have far bigger issues with your family in general and your sister in particular (you sound very jealous/bitter/resentful towards her and her relationship with your parents) than you have any serious or well thought through issues with homeschooling and homeschoolers.

  14. My son got on the wrong side of bullies the first day of middle school.  they tormented him mercilessly, beat him up every other day, even came by our home and tp'd our yard.  after one semester of black eyes and bruises and tears, i home schooled him for 21/2 years.  this year he started high school.  so far, no problems and he's way ahead of the other kids his age academically.  btw.  everybody at my house is out of bed by 5:30 am whether they have school or work or not.

  15. I am "for" homeschooling if and only if it is done well.  It allows the development of the individual over the development of the artificially created social conformist.  Social in this context meaning the unique setting of the "school".  This "school society" is in no way reflective of real life my dear.  

    In real life,  one makes their own decisions and faces their own natural consequences.  There are few adults who cry themselves to sleep at night because they haven't been accepted into a clique.  And most grown ups just don't give a ying yang about what you and I think about them or their dress or their jobs, or their worship or their life style,etc. They are individuals and like it that way.  Yes, there are some who are preoccupied with what other people think.  We out here call them immature and superficial.

    The vast majority of homeschooled children grow and develop in a society that is TRULY reflective of adult society .......... because it IS adult society .    So you see, dear, they are actually more "grown up" than you will be until you get out of the school setting and learn who you are as an individual.  And remember, it is the individuals....the independent thinkers....who move the greater society forward because they are capable of thinking outside the box rather than simply spouted thoughts of others spoon fed to them for years.  Of course, there is always a use for the masses who have learned to march in lock step!  But they are not the innovators and entrepeneurs of the world.

    I'm sure if your parents feel like they can't make a decision about your sister without your wisdom....they will ask for it.

  16. 100% against it.  I am a teacher and have had many students in my classes who were the results of homeschooling.  A child needs more than just assignments.  They need instruction and most parents don't have the foundation to provide it.  Almost always the students are lacking in one area or another when they are homeschooled.  Let's face it - are any of us qualified to teach every subject at every level?

  17. You need to read the most recent YA 360 blog. To quote: "Another no-no is a rant or flame-starter disguised as a question. These non-questions are meant to state a point of view or stir the pot – the asker really doesn’t want an answer, just a soapbox. "

    So, when you ask a question like "are your for or against...." and then follow it up with "I'm against it and here's the reasons...."

    you are in violation of the community guidelines and could and should and will be reported.

    And to answer your flame starter: I'm for it.

  18. Generally, Im against it.  

    It tends to appeal to parents who want to shelter their children from the realities of life, and/or teach only their own slanted views as opposed to actual facts.  It also tends to hamper childrens social development, and creates a xenophobic, cloisterish mentality within the home.

    However, as with many things I don't agree with, I believe it is their right  to do so if they chose.

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