
Are you for or against illegal immigration in to the U.S.?

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Please explain your position.




  1. against against against against against against against against

    If you're not sure about how I feel, let me reiterate, against.

  2. Against.  Against.  1000 times against.

  3. Am I for the 10,000+ deaths and the $338.3 billion caused by illegal immigration each year or am I for saving 10,000+ people in the US and $338.3 billion each year?

    I am going with against illegal immigration!

    Are you for killing 10,000+ people a year or against it?

    Are you for giving criminals $338.3 billion of taxpayers money or against it?

    YOU decide!

  4. against---if you cant follow the laws of America like the rest of us legals then you dont need to be here!

  5. I'm against it. I am all for "Legal" immigration.

    People have been here for years and are only getting nervous now because it has become a major political issue.

    I myself, immigrated here over 20 years ago and am now a PROUD

    citizen of the "Greatest Country in the World".

    Good Luck

  6. Totally against all immigration from third-world countries. They are only swamping in because they expect to get freebies that they are too lazy to work for in their own countries.  

  7. The way the question is phrased won't get you good answers because it is really asking whether or not we should remove all borders and allow for free crossing anywhere, anytime.

    I believe we need to do a better job of securing the borders, however those illegal aliens already here should be allowed to remain here.  We can't deport everyone, we can't put them all in jail, and we can't have a subclass of residents consisting of 12 million people.  I would screen everyone over time, and those with crimes against persons or felonies should be deported, but the rest should stay.  So I am "for" illegal immigration in the sense of allowing those here to stay.

  8. I don't think any one is for illegal immigration, we have laws, we should obey them and ask that any one wanting to enter our country do it legally.  And many of them do.

  9. Against, every nation that prospers has laws. The laws must be followed or chaos reigns. Open borders are a preposterous idea for the reason of law and order. How would a serial killer ever be caught if they could pass from one country to another unhindered? I can't even begin to verbalize all the downsides to not having immigration laws or enforcing those laws.

    I will not however demonize the illegal immigrants on a whole. They too suffer at the hands of the evil elements that have illegally immigrated. To protect all persons legal and illegal we must have order and laws.  

  10. There IS no FOR or AGAINST something that is ILLEGAL.  It's ILLEGAL!!  That means it is AGAINST the law.  Do people understand the word ILLEGAL?

  11. against! an anchor baby has the potential to bring in 90 relatives to the US. the birth/death rate is 8 births to 1 death. What do u think will happen in 20 years? One hospital in Tucson, AZ spends 5-6 millions dollars in health care cost for illegals (each year), and may be reimbursed 1-2 million in federal $. that's still alot of money out of my pocket in taxes and raised health care cost. Over crowded schools, AZ was forced by law to spend $40 million teaching english to spanish speaking students (there is appx 36 students per class). drivers without licenses or insurance. Accident, oh well, cover yourself. the list is endless.

  12. I am against. Illegal aliens bring nothing but negative to this country and they obviously have no problem with breaking the law. Prices have never been this high and more citizens have died at the hands of illegals than in the war.

  13. It is not that simple, bubbles.

    Obviously, any country has the authority to determine who can enter or not. That is totally clear

    Allowing non authorized immigration permits the entry of criminals, gangsters, etc, etc. Not good

    But many people here approach the situation like all illegals were terrible criminals, like Jack the Ripper.

    That is guided by hatred, prejudice, loathing , and other bad things , not facts

    Many people try to come to the USA, most to get a better life, because their own countries are a mess.

    Why they don't improve their own countries, some ask  ?

    It is very easy to swim out of the water. People that say that speak only because they have a mouth but they lack the slightest idea of the real situation.

    That is easier said than done

  14. How can a law abiding citizen possibly be FOR criminal acts?

    I am totally against Illegal Alien Criminal Invasion for the above reason.

  15. Against. I'm usually against any illegal action, per se, though I've been known to drive my car faster than the speed limit on the open freeways. One of the things I used to tell my children about drugs is "well, you know drug dealers are criminals - but HOW criminal are they? Since you know they break the law, what if they adulterate their product with a little strychine to make it go longer? HOW do you know how illegal they are willing to be? You KNOW they are willing to be illegal by the very act of dealing illegal drugs". Same thing for illegal immigrants, you KNOW they are willing to be illegal - we had a guy locally who came in illegally, then started producing illegal fake documents to get more in, and to finance that, he sold drugs...

  16. I cannot emphasize enough how much I am against illegal immigration.

    I have no problem with legal immigration

    My position is that illegal immigrants start by coming in this country by breaking our immigration laws, and they continue doing so by using all kinds of fraudulent documents, which they excuse by saying, that they not have any other choice. They are not being screened for contagious diseases, they come and produce children galore, and we have to pick up the tab for their medical expenses. Among them there are a lot of criminals that crossed the border to escape justice in their own countries. Some of them pay taxes, but a lot of them do not Should I continue or is this enough?

  17. I favor an open border policy. If we want corporations to go in and out of the country as they please, people should have the same right. That's what Adam Smith would have wanted.

  18. I'm against everything "Illegal".  Especially aliens.  

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