
Are you for or against the London Olympics in 2012?

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Are you for or against the London Olympics in 2012?




  1. for

  2. Against - sorry to all you sporty people out there ... but the way things are going just now ... splashing out Bi££ions - when the country is in the ssshhh ! its obscene...

  3. I am for them. London is a great city, and the people are some of the best that you will find anywhere.

  4. Why would anyone be against it?

    Ugh don't wanna think about 2012...I'll be about 19 years old then!! OLD MUCH?!

  5. For. What's the point in being against? It will, despite being a drain on finances, be worth the effort.

  6. I'm against the current levels of disruption being caused in the area and the creeping erosion of Hackney's character..

    I'm against turning part of Hackney Marsh, a valuable and much loved "green-space" into a car/coach park and velodrome, cutting access to certain areas of the marsh for thousands of locals. It's public land, held in trust, and should never be built on.

    I'm against the wholesale compulsory eviction of local people who can't afford to move elsewhere since they were given a pittance for their homes.

    I'm against the "moving-on" of the homeless rather than actually trying to help with the problem.

    I'm against the relocation of the travelling families who have been "erased" from the area.

    I'm against the closing down of businesses that have been there for years and couldn't afford to relocate.

    I'm against the full-scale demolition of the Waterton Road area WITHOUT letting animal rescue groups in first to catch the thousands of feral cats and dogs who live there.

    I'm against the financial gentrification of the surrounding area which will inevitably force people out of the area killing it stone-dead and turning it into another Canary Wharf.

    I'm against being told that the Olympics are for my benefit and will provide a (totally useless) legacy of locally unwanted arenas and car parks.

    I'm against the immense traffic congestion currently caused by the building work.

    I'm against the dismantling of London's historic East End and cleaning it up for tourists when the locals have suffered and been ignored for decades when they needed more help with crime and poverty issues.

    I'm against a repeat of the sickening triumphalism shown by most of the UK media after Beijing because we unexpectedly got a few more shiny things than some other countries.

    I'm against the smug satisfaction of that right-wing moron Lord Coe.....

    .....and I'm sickened that my tax goes towards this abomination and I have no say in it whatsoever

    So yeah..I guess you could say I'm not a fan.

  7. I'm a bit worried about terrorist attacks but I think they could pull it off.

    Yeah I'm for it, It's all just fun.

  8. Against?

  9. against. that money could be much better spent on other things. just watch council taxes etc go up.

  10. I'm for it. I just watch the opening ceremony and any sports with hot athletes lol

  11. So long as London drains it's finances and not everybody elses, I'm for it. I like the Olympics, really don't like London.

  12. Cant find a reason to be .........

  13. FOR!

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