
Are you for universal healthcare , or against and why. ?

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Well , consider the facts.

1. All government workers get medical , and thats no small amount.Fireman,teachers policemen,congressmen,and a plethora of other government workers.

2. Seniors get healthcare.

3.People on low income get medical , healthy family act etc.

4. The military get healthcare.

Then we have the people who fall thru the cracks who make a little too much to get it , and have no coverage at work. Something is wrong here. Either give it too every one ,or give it too no one. France spends 10% of its tax dollar on health care and covers everyone. The U.S. spends 13% and does not even come close too covering everyone.




  1. Yes, France has a great healthcare system and one we should model ours after.  Of course all you are likely to hear is about Canada and the U.K. systems and waiting times, etc.  These people are just parroting the lines given to them by the RNC, Fox News, and the insurance companies.  There are many systems out there that work just fine besides those two.  I believe our current system is immoral and we need a universal system now.  I personally know people who have died because they couldn't afford proper healthcare.  Will it cost more in taxes?  Of course, and it will be worth it and we'll have a healthier nation and besides, it's much better than spending the money on more needless wars.      

  2. I am for it, if it is done right.  There is margin for error here and a big one.  It needs to be across the board with no bias to certain genders, race, etc and you need to be able to chose your own doctor.  Also, this nonsense of waiting 3 months to see a doctor is stupid.  (Ask a UK citizen about that)  This would have to be well thought out.  It will kill off insurance companies.  Hospitals would no longer be able to charge you $5 for a Tylenol.  Lots of money to be lost by the hospitals.  I don't think it will ever pass.

  3. Against, because we WILL pay.......!!!


    And that's all I have to say....

  5. Im not interested in politics.....I'm interested  in putting the word CARE back in the word HEALTHCARE.   Everything is about money these days and lawsuits.  It should be about helping people and not money.

  6. Well. France has quite a few more government programs than we do, and the taxes are higher (as I understand it).

    But I'm pro-universal healthcare, at least as an option, i.e., allow everyone to get care at formerly VA hospitals. Private hospitals would need to continue to function, though.

  7. Yes, I am for it.  

    There are lots and lots, and I mean lots  of people who do not have health insurance.   They cannot afford it.  Many people work jobs, where health insurance is not provided.

    If these people have to go to the hospital they are ruined financially.  Some, such as the illegals, care less about their credit, but it kills the credit of those who can't afford to pay.

    There is absolutely no reason that the U.S. cannot have as good a healthcare system as other countries do.  

  8. France's health care must be quite impressive. I'll let the math propel the sarcasm: 10% covering everyone vs. 13% covering not close to everyone.

  9. I'm all for it. Health care to protect your life is a RIGHT, not a privilege.

    Even so-called 'third world' countries have universal health-care. America's priorities are screwed up.

  10. We have too many people in the U.S. for it to work. I just got back from living in Sweden for two years. I had to wait almost that long to get a needed surgery there. They only have 9 million people. Imagine 300 million in America having to wait. We have to do something but I don't think our government can handle it.

  11. If you have never spent a week night in the emergency/acute illness room at an Army Medical Center you have no idea how bad socialized health care can be.  Socialized health care (AKA Universal health care) is not asking for great medical care for everyone, or even for health care just for those that cannot afford it.  It asks people who already can afford medical insurance for health care to downgrade to a lower quality of care than they already have.

    This seems to be a fundamental problem with government plans.  Rather than just cover those that need help, these programs take a broad view that we must cover everyone regardless of need.  This type of broad brush stroke also takes away the one value that built America.  SELF RELIANCE.

    And once America loses that value we lose that which made us a superpower in the first place.

    Therefore, no.  Universal Healthcare (SOCIALIZED HEALTHCARE) is a bad idea because it takes too broad of a brush stroke to correct a problem that could be corrected on the state, city, and county level rather than on the national stage.

  12. How many times did you watch Micheal Moores Propaganda?

    You, as a citizen are free to work harder to earn as much money as you need to afford healthcare. If that is not good enough, you are free to move to a country that will provide it for you. I don't wish to be forced to pay for YOUR medical because you are under-educated or under employed.  

  13. If you said universal health care and this was 1968, I would think there would be a possibility but the country that we have become since Bush 1 and 2 and the happy actor Reagan, I don't ever think we will have it.

    You will see, you're going to have people screaming "Who's going to pay for it?"  these ultra-right conservatives have hi-jacked the USA and if you , your family or friends have jobs with no health insurance offered, you better consider moving to another country

  14. If we stopped some of the government waste like grants for the study of the s*x life of gnats and welfare to the lazy people who do not want to work, then the government could have a good universal health care.

    Both you will not see it because to many insurance company, hospital, and drug company are getting rich.

    As for Ari R , what about the 50 year olds who worked hard and paid taxes for most of their life who lost their job due to illness and can not find a good job with insurance and good pay because their are to old and in bad health.

  15. We already have free universal health care in this country.  Just go to any hospital and take it.

    what you are talking about is Universal Health Insurance.

    And what is wrong with "give it to no one", and let people get all the Health Insurance they are willing to pay for.  You know, this whole employer paid health insurance thing only started a few decades ago when the government made the premiums deductible for employers.

    Take away the deductibility for employers, leave the deduction for individuals, and let people get whatever insurance they thing they need.

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