
Are you forbidden to edit and paste pictures from to adobe photoshop?

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I've never read the "" rules or anything, so is it a known fact that you are not allowed to copy a picture from that site to adobe? no reason really....




  1. Well, some pictures have licenses. Be careful when stealing them!

    But many images on flickr won't even allow you copy them. Check at the bottom of the image to see whether it says "All Rights Reserved" or "Some Rights Reserved."

    For an example, check out this flickr picture:

    Under "Additional Information" at the bottom right of the picture it shows that it has a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs Creative Commons. You could use this photo if you wanted for noncommercial work.

    But to put the answer simply, some work on Flickr should not be edited on Photoshop because you would be breaking the license... Flickr allows the person uploading the photo to be responsible to whether their photos can be reproduced. Be careful and check before downloading!

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