
Are you frightened by this imaginary world?

by  |  earlier

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i saw a commercial. a girl with filled black eyes took med and become spontaneous, jumproping with cats and dogs, which tied tails, and kissed the next fellow she met.

what do you think of this blissfully, eerily happy world? a world of eternal sunshine (figuratively) of mute, smiling figures set to jazz music, with no white spaces in their eyes?




  1. Why assume it's imaginary?

    Perhaps, somewhere at some time it exists or will exist.

    Sounds a cool place.

  2. I also consider such surrealistic images as unreal and not capable of being true. It never frightens me because i know for certain it can never happen.

  3. wow i think that it would be very weird

  4. id say take out the tape alice in wonderland, sober up, and try your best not to have a flashback...seriously

  5. i think i know what commercial you are talking about! i saw that like last week. it was very strange and i have no clue what it was about. all i know is that she took some pill and it made her all wacko! lol

  6. Frankly, it scares me.......MOMMY!!!!!

  7. I'm happy living in my own world because I know everyone there except for that guy I see in the mirror everyday.

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